Thursday, June 8, 2023



“Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” Proverbs 13:12a (ESV)

Nothing is more frustrating, to me anyway, than to have your expectations go unmet, or at least put off until later. When you have set your mind on something, then that something is either no longer available, or is temporarily unattainable, it causes a great sense of loss even though you never had it to begin with. You have your mind, and mouth, all set for a tasty treat. You arrive at the restaurant or store to finally satisfy your craving only to find out it is not available. Hope deferred.

When it comes to trivial things like your favorite ice cream or cola it pales in comparison to things that really matter, like relationships, employment, or personal accomplishments. When you run into a series of events which continuously push the desired thing further from your reach, it begins to take a toll on you, mind, body, and spirit. The writer of the proverb describes it as a “sick heart.”

In today’s vernacular we might say depressed, or at least despondent. Others might say you’re in a bad mood. Regardless of how you describe it, the feelings are very real. The unfortunate truth is that some decide to deal with the issue by simply giving up hope. In their mind they rationalize that if they never attempt anything, then they cannot fail. If they never have a desire for something it will never go unfulfilled. This is no way to live. In fact, I would go further by saying you are not living, just prolonging death.

Here is the promise we have, which is found in the second half of the proverb cited.

“but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12b (ESV)

If we can somehow gain the courage and the tenacity to try one more time, to keep hope alive regardless of the delay, we can eventually see the desire fulfilled, the goal achieved, or obtain the thing desired. If you feel the need to quit, please reach out to someone for help. There are always options. There is always another inning to play. You still get one more time at bat. Regardless of the strike count, stay in the batter’s box for the next pitch. It could be the one.

Here is another way to approach your own deferred hope. Try helping someone else with their hopes and dreams. In the process, you may find yourself in that place of fulfilled expectations as well. Together is always better than alone. Find someone to walk with in pursuit of hope.

Once fulfilled, you can become a fountainhead of hope for others. Show others who may be struggling that there is still hope. It is still worth the effort to push forward. The price of quitting is too high; for you and those around you. This is when you become the “tree of life” for someone else.

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