Wednesday, May 31, 2023



Anticipation is a powerful force. It is motivating. It is life-giving. It keeps us moving forward. I read a study years ago about the emotional well-being of nursing home patients. It was very revealing. It focused on patients who had regular visitors. One group had visitors that would come regularly, but at random times. There was no schedule associated with the visits. The guests would simply pop in whenever they had time. The other group had regular visitors, but they kept to a schedule.

The study revealed the members of the second group had a better disposition than those in the first, even though both had visitors. The anticipation in the second group kept them in a better place emotionally because they had something to look forward to. “My son is coming tomorrow!” “My grandchildren will be here Saturday!” It gave more meaning to their day because of what they knew was coming.

Another story I heard was about a young boy who became very sick. The attending doctors were very concerned; death was a strong possibility. The boy’s teacher came to see him, and even brought the assignments they were doing in class.

The boy started on the assignments, even though he did not feel well, he stayed with the assignments, completing each one. His condition eventually improved. Upon being discharged, some asked, “Were you worried about dying?” He said, “I never knew I was dying. I assumed since my teacher brought my homework to me, I must be going to make it.”

What are you anticipating? Are you expecting good things? Are you looking for opportunities, or are you focused on the problems? See, worry is simply anticipation of the negative. Both will affect your mental state; one for good, one for bad.

Learn to look for something to live for instead of worrying about all the things trying to kill you. Go for a walk. Take a drive. Visit a friend. Clean out a closet. Buy a new shirt or blouse. Write a letter to yourself or someone else. Find a way to encourage another, and you will, by default, be encouraged. I hope today is one of your best days ever. It can be!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023



Each day we have an opportunity. We can live or we can exist. The choice is up to you. To simply exist doesn’t take much effort at all. Even without eating, your body could still function for many days before finally giving out. Existing and eating delays the inevitable, but nothing else is accomplished.

A choice is the only difference between living and existing. When you choose to live, you realize there are things which can be done that can enrich your life, or the life of others. To truly live, try doing both. These things can be as simple as a walk in the park or a trip to the gym. They can be as complex as conceiving a child or launching a business.

To impacting others can be simple or complex. Sending a card, making a phone call, providing a meal, or simply stopping by to see someone can be all that is needed to change a life. More complex things might be caring for a shut-in’s lawn, paying off a debt, or organizing a rally to do either of these.

Never let resources be an excuse for not living. Existing still costs money, but you get very little for your investment. Choose, instead, to invest in yourself and/or others and see the difference a choice can make.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Faith and Doubt


I’ve encountered a theology built on the need for doubt in order to grow faith. It is an interesting concept; one with which my conservative-trained mind had a very difficult time. I am not yet convinced of the validity of the whole “Four Stages of Spiritual Development” concept, but I find aspects of it rather intriguing.

Many years ago, I heard this statement: “The opposite of faith is not doubt, but fear.” Consider what Jesus said in Mark 4:40; “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” Doubt is not the enemy of faith. Faith is the enemy of fear.

Let’s take a look at the scientific process. 

1. Make an observation.
2. Ask a question.
3. Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
4. Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
5. Test the prediction.
6. Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.

This has led to numerous advances in medicine, engineering, business; literally every aspect of human existence. Someone evaluates the current status of any area of interests. They research the existing “faith” in the knowledge currently available, dream about possibilities which may exist beyond that faith, and begin to “doubt” its validity.

This process is used every day in most every aspect of fabric of society, with one major exception: religion. There is no room in a community of faith for doubt. Those who guard the sacred tenets instill fear in those who would even dare question the faith. I do not believe that is what Jesus came to give mankind. His purpose was to draw men back to the Father. What has happened to His message since then is disheartening. In the exact same way the religious leaders in the four hundred years preceding Jesus Christ, many of the current religious leaders have built systems of laws (we now call them tenets, but it’s the same thing) to protect their institutions; to insure the continued existence and influence over humanity.

Jesus came saying things like, “Up until now you thought it was this way, but it’s actually another way.” He called on them to doubt their current beliefs in order to make room for a new set of truth. He didn’t instill fear by threatening them if they did not conform, but invited to drink and eat of Himself so that they might have life, and that life, more abundantly.

You don’t have to destroy faith in order to introduce doubt. They can actually coexist. The disciples even made the request of Jesus by saying, “We believe. Help our unbelief.” In other words, we have faith, but help us where we have doubt. Faith and doubt existing hand in hand.

It is sad that the one place where we should be able to express our doubts or questions regarding elements of the Christian faith should be in the church (little c). In my experience, if you show any sign of anything less than enthusiastic support for the tenets of the local body or denomination, you are immediately viewed as an infidel, and are encouraged to “get saved” because you must not have gotten it the first time.

The analogy of a growing child is employed by the writers of the New Testament. Speaking of being childlike in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but then growing up into a mature person. Humans allow children to have questions. They do not immediately cast a child out of the house if they show some kind of doubt about a closely-held belief of the family. Churches, however, do just that. How can someone truly grow up if they are not allowed to ask questions; yes, even hard questions that kick at the underpinning of our faith? If the foundation upon which we are attempting to build our lives is that fragile, maybe there is a need for questions.

I already hear the comments some of you are thinking. I’ve had the same ones. In a utopian world (even Christian) we have to leave room for doubt. Otherwise, we could end up with a faith built on presumption, or worse, falsehoods.

One of my favorite things to do during a conversation among people I know is to take an opposing view on whatever topic is being discussed. It can get ugly pretty quick until I assure them I’m only trying to provoke them to think about their responses instead of parroting some ideology they’ve been taught. We need to have conviction in what we believe, especially if we are attempting to convince others to join our movement. If we only have conversations with like-minded people we will never grow beyond where we find ourselves.

True spiritual maturity comes from doubt. Questioning our faith is not a sign of weakness, but an attempt to strengthen our foundation in what we believe. Finding faith in the beginning comes from the realization that there is something more than what I have experienced up to this point. In other words, you begin to doubt your current state. You either entertain new information you’ve heard, or you seek out new information to determine if your current understanding is valid.



Missed opportunities are filled with regret
What could have been looms large
Anticipation left unfulfilled

To give yourself over to the regret
Can cause you to miss out on what is now
Look around before something else is lost

Don’t stop living because of what might have been
Reset your sights on the next encounter
Take advantage of every moment

What was not fulfilled today
Can become the realities of tomorrow
Where regret has no place

Sacred Space


I heard a phrase recently that has captured my attention. As someone was praying for another, desiring strongly to involve themselves in their life, the Lord prompted them to refrain from intervening. As she observed the scene in her mind, showing the other person interacting with Jesus, she realized her presence there would not be productive. Jesus was all that was needed in this moment.

The phrase “sacred space” was used to describe the interaction between the other person and Jesus. I believe every person has this place in their life. Each of us has a way of encountering God on a personal level. Some have discovered this, and it brings great joy and contentment to their life. Others have yet to find a way to tap into a relationship with God. He is gently calling out to them, hoping they will eventually answer Him. God is always the initiator. He is seeking after us long before we even know He is real. It’s part of His character.

In the beginning, Genesis, God walked with Adam in the cool of the day. This was a time where God and Adam communed. It was a sacred space. Abraham was shown “the place” where he offered the promised son as a sacrifice to God. When the angel intervened, it became a sacred space to Abraham. Moses encountered the burning bush. He was instructed, “Take your shoes off; this is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5) It was the place where Moses encountered God; a sacred space.

Look at what occurred when God and Moses met on the mountain after Israel left Egypt. One of the main things communicated on Sinai was the instructions on building the Tabernacle. (Exodus 25) This would be a place where God would meet with man. The very Spirit of God would inhabit a portion of this tent and in “that place” there would be communion. It was called the Holy of Holies. In the context of the Old Testament, only the High Priest could enter this “sacred space”.

Sacred means, “Connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration.” Veneration means, “great respect; reverence.” I believe this describes perfectly the Holy of Holies. It is in this most revered place where forgiveness was obtained for Israel. The blood of the sacrifice was placed on the Mercy Seat to atone for the sins of the people.

When David became king, he brought the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 6) Instead of returning it to the Tabernacle of Moses, he built a new “tent of meeting”; one without a curtain separating man from the presence of God. David developed an army of worshippers to offer worship before God’s presence 24/7. He knew the heart of God long before the Messiah was ever introduced.

Later, God gave David the plans for the temple. It was patterned after the Tabernacle of Moses, where the Ark of the Covenant would once again be placed in the Holy of Holies behind the curtain, where only the High Priest would enter.

Fast forward a bit to the day Jesus was crucified. It’s recorded in the gospels that when Jesus died the curtain concealing the Holy of Holies was torn in two, from top to bottom. Symbolically, God was opening this sacred space to everyone. It was no longer reserved for the High Priest, but through a relationship with Jesus we could, each one of us, have communion directly with God Himself. It moved from corporate to personal.

I now understand how important it is to respect and honor that place which others have with God. There is no room for anyone in that sacred space except for the individual and God. And that is enough. When a parent, spouse, minister, or friend attempts to enter that place to speak to God in lieu of the individual they are invading a place of reverence where their presence is not needed. God is well able to handle any interaction which needs to occur there. An even more egregious error would be for anyone to enter that space and speak for God. It is presumptuous at best, and blasphemous at worst. That place is reserved for God and God alone.

Some forms of religion still maintain a go-between where humans must rely on a spiritual advocate to communicate with God. While this seems “helpful”, it is, in reality, very detrimental. I heard a song which stated, “God ain’t never had a grandchild, only a child will do.” The meaning is that each person is directly related to God. There is no need for an advocate for us to commune with Him. It is even more than that. There is no one who can answer for anyone else. We are each responsible to God. The only advocate we need is Jesus, who said, “He ever lives to intercede for us.”

Should we pray for others? Yes! Jesus did this very thing. He told Peter, “I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail.” (Luke 22:32 ESV) He did not step in and speak to God for Peter. He prayed that Peter would be able to believe in God for himself. This should be the focus of the religious community; to help others discover their sacred space. We are born with a desire and ability to commune with God. It’s called grace. Life sometimes causes us to lose this built-in acknowledgment of God. We lose clarity on who God is: His character, His nature. But God is the One who draws us to himself. No one can approach God for us, but we can provide encouragement by sharing the truth about God and helping others discover Him in their sacred space.

Some have found a way to live life from their sacred space. People like Brother Lawrence, author of The Practice of the Presence, developed habits to keep his mind in the sacred place, being aware that everything we do should be done as worship to God. Most of us can only dwell in our sacred place during times of contemplation as we think on the goodness of God, and our complete dependence on Him. Regardless of how often, we need to develop patterns of communion with God. Paul encourages us to have times of communion “often”, implying it should be frequent. (1 Corinthians 11:26)

Above all else, find a way to keep the lines of communication open with God. Do not allow anything or anyone to encroach upon this sacred space. God is always there. Make sure you are as well.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Imperfect Day (But Still Perfect)

The Imperfect Day (But Still Perfect)

Yesterday, I wrote a poem about the perfect day. It was filled with positive imagery, can-do mentality, and encouraging simile. I mentioned toward the end that it may only be a dream. I realize that most of us did not have the perfect day today, or yesterday, or any other day as far back as we can remember. I get it. Then this thought came to me today.

I heard a story about a computer which could simulate growing a garden. The user would determine the exact growing conditions of the soil, climate, altitude, etc., needed to grow plants. The experienced farmer decided to give it a try to see if he could produce a crop.

He meticulously monitored every metric to see what needed to be tweaked in his current scheme. He added just the right amount of fertilizer, provided optimal water to facilitate the maximum growth. The temperatures were controlled to allow for planting, growing, and harvesting. Everything looked perfect. However, he experienced total crop failure.

How did this occur? There was no indication of any issues. Lucious green plants looked like they would provide plenty of food to live on for months. Yet, when it came time for harvest, there was no fruit to be gathered. You see, for a plant to yield fruit, it must experience pollination. Without the fertilization of the blossoms with the pollen from another, no fruit will be produced.

The experienced farmer failed to allow the wind to blow. He didn’t tell the insects to feed on the sweet flowers produced by the plants. There was nothing done to promote cross-pollination.

Without the wind, trees will never become strong. Without the pests, pollen is not carried from one plant to another.

For much of my life, I would have never listened to the following song because it demonstrated a lack of faith. I was told a Christian does not have to endure hardships, and we are more than conquerors! I believe that God will provide for every need of the believer. I also believe what Jesus said, “In this world, you will have tribulation.” However, He did not end it there. Jesus also stated, “But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

I recently heard this song for the first time. It has caused me to reconsider some things. Read the following lyrics, or better yet, go to YouTube or Spotify and listen to it yourself. The song is called “Blessings”, by Laura Story.

Even if you did not have The Perfect Day, today is still a great day. You have an opportunity to do good, to help another, to encourage, to repair, to build up. You may be the reason for someone else's Perfect Day. It doesn't hurt to try.


We pray for blessings, we pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand
To ease our suffering

And all the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops?
What if Your healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near?
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?

We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your word is not enough

And all the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops?
What if Your healing comes through tears?
And what if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near?
And what if trials of this life Are Your mercies in disguise?

When friends betray us
And when darkness seems to win, we know
The pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops?
What if Your healing comes through tears?
And what if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near?
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst
This world can't satisfy?

And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise?

Words by Laura Story

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Perfect Day

The Perfect Day

The perfect day begins by waking from the perfect night
Rested and ready, you begin this day with smile on your face
There’s a skip in your step as you start out of the gate
Determined, not haphazardly, is your walking pace

No dread of yesterday dragging you down
It only what’s in front of you that matters
No worries of tomorrow keeping you back
The roadblock before you scatters

Driven with purpose, you press toward the prize
The zeal in your heart beats out the cadence
There’s a song on your lips with a sweet melody
With feet moving gracefully, you just have to dance

I realize this is describing what sounds like a dream
But why not dream, because dreams can come true
Live expectantly, looking for the good in life
Give all you have within, do all you can do

One day the Perfect Day just might be today!

Monday, May 15, 2023

A Prayer for You

A Prayer for You

If I could pray a prayer for you
This is what I would say
Never forget who you are
God made you this way

You were created for sharing
The love which God gives
To show others the way
So they, too, can live

Your future was destined
For you to be like The Son
To conform you to His likeness
It’s already begun

Learn from the Spirit
He lives right inside you
Never leaves or forsakes
Ever guiding you through

Hold tight to God’s hand
He will never let go
This is always true
Because He said so

Seek wisdom and knowledge
From those whom you trust
Their counsel can help you
The Truth is a must

Keep walking forward
Even when it seems futile
There is nothing behind you
The past can be brutal

Your destiny is before you
The path may not be clear
There may be a battle
There will be a tear

The Spirit will illuminate
He will show you the way
But you are the one
With the choice to stay

Choose slowly and wisely
Each step you must take
Keep your mind focused
There is so much at stake

Fear has no place here
Only faith to believe
But even when fearful
Press on to achieve

The journey is worth
Every effort it takes
Don’t lose life as you travel
Take frequent breaks

Those moments for rest
Are essential, required
Without them you get stuck
Or sidetracked or mired

These moments of charging
Keep your eye sharp and keen
Your body in motion
While chasing your dream

I wish you well in your quest
To fulfill all you seek
This course is your own
Each one is unique

So Spirit and wisdom
Respite and resolve
Will take you anywhere
As the mystery you solve

I wish you well, friend
As I pray toward the throne
The answer is yours
And yours alone

Thursday, May 11, 2023

You Know More

You Know More

I wrote this song to honor my mom for Mother's Day 2012. She died a month later and I was privileged to sing it at her memorial service. Mom was not educated, but she has more sense than I've ever thought about having. But more than book knowledge, she knew people. This Mother's Day, eleven years after she left earth, my memory of her is still very real. I find myself quoting her more than I care to admit. Mae Clarene Wilhite Harris was a strong woman. She took on the unplanned and unwanted task of raising four boys alone when my dad died. And speaking for this one, I think she did a great job. I love you, Mom.

There is no way, this side of heaven

To know all you have done for me

Many times I saw the sacrifice you made

But many more the times I did not see


How can one human here on earth

Do all that you have done

For, oh, so many others all the time

Today I want to take the time to say a word or two

To let you know the reason for this rhyme


Mother, you know more about giving than I do

Mother, you know more about living than I do

Mother, you know more about loving than anyone I know

Because you found a way to love even me


Our Savior left His home up in heaven

And came to live as man on this earth

Everything He did was in the Father’s plan

From the cross, back to His amazing birth


How can one human here on earth

Do all that you have done

For, oh, so many others all the time

Today I want to take the time to say a word or two

To let you know the reason for this rhyme


Jesus, you know more about giving than I do

Jesus, you know more about living than I do

Jesus, you know more about loving than anyone I know

Because you found a way to love even me


© Kurios Music. Words and music by Dudley Harris (10 May 2012)

Wednesday, May 10, 2023



I have always been amazed at how young children can fall asleep in the middle of a crowded stadium with fans yelling at the top of their lungs. I learned from behavioral specialists that is actually a defense mechanism. When a child is over-sensitized, they simply shut down; they go to sleep.

As adults, we don’t have this same luxury. If we fall asleep in public places we are tagged as narcoleptic, insane, or dead. Another problem we face is that no one is there to carry us to our next destination. We are left with the reality that sleep will have to wait, the over-sensitization will have to be ignored, and then hope a time to relax will come soon.

Noise-cancelling AirPods help, but this is not the way to address the issue at hand. When we choose to not engage our world, any activity is seen as bothersome. There are basically two options which come to mind: 1) change the source of input (location/physical), or 2) engage yourself in the moment (relational/mental).

There is always a place for pulling away from the crowd; to seek solitude. We see this in the life of Jesus. He regularly spent time alone in communion with His Father. We need to do the same. However, we also need to engage our world. We need to allow intersections to occur in our life so we can meet other people, get exposed to new information, and share what we have learned with others. Life occurs at intersections. It's also a place where collisions happen. We have to learn to navigate the crossroads of life so we do not injure others or get harmed by others.

When you are depleted physically, emotionally, or spiritually, you have nothing to contribute to the time in the intersections. Times of solitude help prepare us for the intersections. It’s only when we have spent time being rejuvenated that we have something to offer in those “crossroads” moments of life.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Be Prepared When Attempting a Conversation


Storms evoke an array of emotions, mostly depending on memories associated with them. My mom, for instance, was seriously injured in a tornado. Her mother and sister were killed. Consequently, storms caused her angst and great fear.


Others love the sound of thunder, with rain falling on the rooftop, especially if there is a metal roof. It soothes them to the point of sleepiness. They have never experienced loss from a storm.


So, two people, exact same stimulus, but two drastically different reactions, all of this is a result of their interpretation of the circumstances. Reaction to natural phenomenon, like storms, are pretty easy to understand. 


However, the myriad of emotional stimuli we encounter in every minute of every day cause the same kind of innate responses, yet they are much more difficult to explain. I believe this is due to our own constantly changing state of mind. Sometimes, you break a pencil lead and you simply reach for a sharpener or a different writing instrument. Another time you fling the pencil across the room, yelling obscenities. What makes the difference?


Why all this talk about storms? Well, English is hard. Imagine the pencil incident being a conversation. One day you use a certain phrase and get a benign response. The next time you are in fear for your life because of the reaction of the listener. It is very difficult to anticipate these changes in mental state. Be prepared so you are not taken unaware by these seemingly random variations in reactions. Relationships are hard. Conversations are harder.