Saturday, December 28, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 12/29/2024 – The New Year

Sunday’s Blessing – 12/29/2024 – The New Year

May you come to understand that January 1 is just another day
So that you are not deceived into thinking something has been lost
Like a promise of “this year” it will happen
Know that God determines your times and seasons, not the calendar

May you see the divine thread of the Holy Spirit woven throughout your days
From your beginning of days until the end of your days
God has been, is, and will be at work in your life to bring about His purpose in you
Which a flip of a calendar does not promote nor deter

May you find the new year full of the goodness of God, and His presence
So you may feel the empowerment of His Spirit sent to encourage you
When you feel like the only one on the road you are travelling
Open your eyes to see God’s purpose and provision

May you be immersed in the REST of God accomplished through the miraculous birth of Jesus
The sinless life lived, the sacrifice on the cross for your sins
The burial, the resurrection on the third day, the ascension back to the Father
The seating on the Father’s right hand, and sending the Holy Spirit – Another like Himself

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Mystery or Majesty?

Several years ago I wrote a Christmas musical called "Mystery or Majesty?". I didn't write the music, but I wrote the narration and chose songs to convey the Christmas Story as I've come to enjoy it.

All of my life I heard about those found at the typical nativity scene, represented by the creche. There are Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Then you add shepherds, wise men, and some random animals which vary; usually sheep, camels, cows, and the like. All of the sermons, carols, and other Christmas songs focus on these elements. While "that night" was a wonderful sight, there were so many other things to experience which get very little time from the average pulpit. For me, discovering these things changed my whole perspective on Christmas.

The first glimpse into these "other" things came while I was a freshman at Samford University. Ralph Carmichael had written a new Christmas cantata called "Specially for Shepherds". Mr. Carmichael was friends with the resident composer and leader of the Hear & Now Singers at Samford. His name was Bob Burroughs. Bob was asked to put together an ensemble/choir to present the world premier of Specially for Shepherds. He invited all who wanted to participate to come be a part of this exciting event. I decided to join the choir.

In this presentation, Mr. Carmichael took a drastically different view of the events surrounding Advent. He dared to present the angst surely felt by Joseph when he received word that his fiancee, Mary, was pregnant; and they have never had sex. The discordant music, along with the dramatic expression choreographed by Mr. Burroughs had a profound impact on me and the listening audience. It humanized the story for me which up until that time had only been a fairytale. Here's the first verse of Joseph's response:

I can’t believe it, this terrible news
I won’t believe it, I simply refuse
It troubles my spirit and brings me unrest
It crushed the breath right out of my chest.

The entire musical is on You Tube. It's from 1977 so the music is typical of the era, but the lyrics are nothing close to typical. They are still so relevant to me.

A few years later, Michael Card produced an album which had a song about Simeon. The catchphrase of the song goes, "Now that I've held Him in my arms my life can come to an end." Until this song, I don't remember ever hearing about Simeon in relation to Advent. In case you do not know the story, Simeon was outside the temple the day Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to be circumcised. He was a man who loved God, and had received a promise that he would not die until he sees Messiah. That day, he saw Jesus! He approached them and asked to hold the Christ-child. As he did, he began to "sing" his song: 

Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel. (Luke 2:29-32 ESV)

Once inside the temple, they encountered a woman; a widow serving in the temple for many years. Her name was Anna. She, too, like Simeon had been waiting on the arrival of Messiah. When she saw them, Anna knew this was Messiah. "And coming up at that very hour she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem." (Luke 2:38 ESV) All who were waiting. There were MANY living expectantly, waiting on the arrival of Messiah.

Back to the visit where Gabriel appears to Mary, whom most portray as an almost angelic creature, sitting as though she knew the angel was coming that day, that hour. I don't believe this to be the case. Based on tradition of the day, Mary was likely a young lady who just went through puberty. Some speculate she was anywhere from thirteen to eighteen. Most young women were busy with household chores; preparing meals, tending to flocks or gardens, sewing, washing clothes, etc. The way I usually picture this encounter is with Mary down by the river, beating clothes on rocks to get them clean. Possibly beads of sweat were running down her face. Her hair was somewhat disheveled. The angel was an interruption to her. Based on the record we have in scripture, Mary was more concerned about the "how" than the "what". I'm sure Mary knew of Messiah, and tradition teaches us that some young women would actually be hoping they would be chosen to be the mother to the Christ-child. Mary eventually "receives" the word spoken by the angel and declares, "Be it unto me according to your word."

The first thing she does is go to see her relative, Elizabeth, who was also pregnant by miraculous means. Elizabeth was past child-bearing years. When Mary greets her, the child inside "leaped" at the sound of Mary's voice, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Here's the irony of this encounter. Elizabeth's husband, Zechariah, was a priest. He was sworn to keep the Law of God. Every word of it. The penalty for a woman becoming pregnant outside of marriage was death by stoning. If Zachariah learned of Mary's condition, he would be duty-bound to bring her before the spiritual leaders and have her stoned.

Prior to all of this, Zachariah had his own angelic encounter. He learned that he would be given a son through his elderly wife. This child would be named John (later to be known as John the Baptist). Zachariah had a difficult time receiving this word, unlike Mary. The angel struck Zachariah mute until the child would be born. John became the forerunner of the Messiah. He would "prepare the way" for Jesus to be introduced to the world as the Son of God.

When you intertwine these things with the rest of the traditional elements of Advent, you begin to see all God put in place to welcome His Son, Jesus, into a world in need of a savior. It was truly the most wonderful time of the year! I doubt December 25 was the actual day Jesus was born. This day was established much later by the Catholic Church as part of the complete liturgy used to worship God and train believers in the things of God. That doesn't cause a single problem for me. It doesn't matter to me. What matters is that Jesus did come! It was miraculous! It is still the greatest mystery! It is still majestic!

This Christmastime I hope you take time to reflect, not only on the creche, but on all the aspects surrounding this blessed event now known as Advent.

God's Names at Christmastime - Jesus

The following is from my book, The Names of God.

Matthew 1:21 (ESV) She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

I couldn’t believe it. As I was working through the “R”s on the Names of God list, it suddenly occurred to me that the name Jesus was omitted. How could that be?

Then a few thoughts came to me. First of all, it is the most familiar name for God that we know. Every thing from lullabies to epic movies has the name Jesus in them.

Secondly, it is also a name that many avoid because the mere mention of the name evokes a response. For Believers it triggers gratitude. For non-believers it brings conviction. For others it brings anger because of the hardness of their heart.

C. S. Lewis summed up men’s response to Jesus. He said, “He is either Lord, liar, or lunatic.” Jesus is either the Son of God as He claimed, a liar for making such a claim, or a lunatic that has no idea what he is saying. “But,” as Lewis continued, “You cannot call Him just a good man.”

You can speak of “God” to most people and they will politely oblige your conversation, but when you mention Jesus their heart is almost certainly revealed in their response.

We just completed the Christmas season where you see and hear more of the name of Jesus than at any other time (at least in the Western culture). It is after all, the time we celebrate His birth. But Jesus is so much more than a baby in a manger. Even the name Mary was told to give Him at His birth implied there was much more to this child than any before Him.

Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, God had been working a plan of redemption; a way to bring man back into a right relationship with his Creator. The one that would “crush the head of the serpent” became a baby in a manger; helpless, vulnerable, the embodiment of God’s love. His name, however, caused satan and his kingdom to fear. The Second Adam had been born. The Second Joshua had come to deliver God’s people (this time all of them) from the grasp of sin and darkness that kept them in bondage.

Jesus. His name is from the Hebrew word interpreted as “Joshua,” and means, “Jehovah-saved.” The first Joshua completed the journey of Israel out of bondage from Egypt to Canaan. The Second Joshua, Jesus, paid the penalty for sin and gave mankind a way to escape the second death.

Call out to Him now. Receive the forgiveness provided through the death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and seating of Jesus. Identify yourself with Him in baptism. Receive the Gift He sent to abide in us until He returns: the Holy Spirit. Your life will never be the same.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

God's Names at Christmastime - Wonderful

I recently finished writing a book called "The Wonder of the Wilderness". It's not published yet, but hopefully will be after the first of the year. Sometimes we overlook some of the simple ways in which God is presented to us in scripture. The word "wonderful" is very familiar to us. So when it is also ascribed to God, we tend to be unimpressed. After all, the doughnut we had this morning was wonderful. The picture our toddler drew at school is wonderful. The wedding last weekend was wonderful.

So what, that God is also wonderful ... until you look at the true meaning of the word: full of wonder. A doughnut is not full of wonder (even though they are really good!). The wedding was beautiful, and emotionally moving, but not really full of wonder. Perhaps, because of the innocence and creativity alive in a toddler, their drawing may actually be filled with wonder.

But God IS wonderful (full of wonder). His very essence exudes wonder. When you seriously consider God, His nature, His character, His presence, everything about Him is wonder-filled. It's no "wonder" (slight pun intended) that when it came time to send His Son, Jesus, to earth to redeem mankind, that "wonderful" would be one of the adjectives used to describe His birth.

A teenage virgin girl (Mary) willing to give up her dream of life with Joseph as just a husband and wife to become the mother of God's Son. An old priest and barren wife (Zacharias and Elizabeth) surprised with WONDERFUL news of a son (John) that would usher in the presence of Messiah.

The old prophet, Simeon, that recognized Jesus as Messiah when Joseph and Mary brought Him to the temple on the eighth day. The woman widowed at a young age, Anna, who spent the remainder of her life in the temple praying, when she saw the Messiah and was able to bless the Child.

Wise men who travelled for years, following the WONDERS in the sky that led them to the Newborn King.

It is no surprise that Christmastime is filled with wonder, because the first Christmas truly was. Let WONDER fill your heart and home this year. Make room for Jesus, but also for others, to celebrate this most blessed time together.

Monday, December 23, 2024

God's Names at Christmastime – Son of God

Daniel 3:25 (NKJV) "Look!" he answered, "I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."

It is interesting that the first mention of the Son of God comes from a king that had no regard for God. Yet, he recognized the extra man in fire as one that looked like the Son of God.

The next reference in scripture of someone using the name Son of God is when satan came to Jesus in the wilderness to tempt Him. Three times satan said, “If you are the Son of God …?” Each time Jesus responded with a verse found in the Old Testament.

Luke 4:2-13 (ESV) for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing during those days. And when they were ended, he was hungry. The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.” And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone.’”

And the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to him, “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will. If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.” And Jesus answered him, “It is written, “‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.’”

And he took him to Jerusalem and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written, “‘He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you,’ and “‘On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.’” And Jesus answered him, “It is said, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’” And when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time.

As a child, Jesus knew He was the Son of God when He was only twelve years old.

Luke 2:48-50 (ESV) And when his parents saw him, they were astonished. And his mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us so? Behold, your father and I have been searching for you in great distress.” And he said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” And they did not understand the saying that he spoke to them.

In Luke’s account of Jesus’ life he gives the linage of Jesus. It ends with another reference to the other Son of God, Adam.

Luke 3:23-38 (ESV) Jesus, when he began his ministry, was about thirty years of age, being the son (as was supposed) of Joseph, … the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.

Jesus was the second Adam. He came to undo what Adam brought to the human race through his sin in the Garden of Eden. Jesus became the One whose heel would be bruised in the crushing of the serpent’s head. Jesus succeeded in His mission. He was born of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit, lived a sinless life as a man filled with the Spirit of God. He died as the perfect Lamb whose blood washed away our sin. He was raised from the dead, defeating hell and the grave for us. He ascended to heaven and was seated at the right hand of God, “far above all rule, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named”, so that we once again reign in life. Jesus then sent the Holy Spirit to abide in us forever.

That, my friend, is the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus, which provides us with a way back to our Creator. Thank you, Jesus, the Son of God, for paying the price for us!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

God's Names at Christmastime - Everlasting Father

The following is from my book, The Names of God.

Isaiah 63:16 (ESV) For you are our Father, though Abraham does not know us, and Israel does not acknowledge us; you, O LORD, are our Father, our Redeemer from of old is your name.

One of the greatest privileges I have in life is to be called a father. It is one of the highest callings for a man. The most prevalent image that God models for us is that of Father.

Consequently, one of the greatest areas of spiritual warfare waged by the enemy is against fatherhood. The media belittles the role of men in general, but especially fathers. Statistics show that the majority of divorces occur when the oldest child of a couple reaches the age of puberty. Just when a child is looking for identity and destiny, their foundation, their parents, are suddenly divided, causing them to become shipwrecked.

One of the most important roles fathers have in the life of their children is in the area of blessing. Again, because of ignorance or apathy, the blessing a father gives to a child has been practically eliminated from the Western culture. Instead of receiving a blessing from the very one they are seeking approval, they instead receive abuse or neglect at worst, or being ignored. This is not the way Father modeled for us.

Look at scripture. You will find specific times of blessing that God desires a person to receive in their lifetime. Father later implemented them in the Law of Moses to be sure that every Hebrew received a blessing. First of all, after birth a child was brought before the priest to be blessed. The parents, and possibly others, would speak blessings over the child and commit it into the hands of Father.

Then at puberty each child would have a ceremony. For the male child it was a bar mitzvah; for the female, a bat mitzvah. These Hebrew phrases mean Son (bar) of the Covenant and Daughter (bat) of the Covenant. These ceremonies would be as big as a wedding. Much time and effort went into planning the event. All of the family and friends would gather. Gifts were given. The highlight of the night would be when the child was placed in a chair, then raised up high by other family members. They would march the child around the room like a king or queen being carried about. The whole time the father of the child walked before them proclaiming loudly, “This is my beloved son/daughter in whom I am well pleased!”

How could any child come away from that experience without feeling special? Other things would change after the bar/bat mitzvah. Their clothing would change. They were no longer considered children, but instead treated as a man or woman.

The next time of blessing would come when the child married. They would again come before the priest for a blessing and the wedding pronouncement. Parents would speak blessings over the new couple, pledging to assist them in any way needed. It would launch them into a union that was sealed by Father Himself.

Our Father intended for the elderly to be blessed; to be cared for and to be shown honor. This is also an area that the Western culture has practically eliminated from its view of society.

To know that our Father wants us to be blessed exposes the deep love for which He loves us. He does not want to simply muddle through life and pay homage to the “great god in the sky.” He wants us to know His heart and to follow His ways. His ways are intended for our greatest good. Without that understanding it is very difficult to give ourselves to Him fully.

Meditate on some of the Names of God that have been considered up to this point. Let us get to know our Father to the point that we can trust Him fully and follow Him completely. Then we will know life.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 12/22/2024 – Forth Sunday of Advent – Love

Sunday’s Blessing – 12/22/2024 – Forth Sunday of Advent – Love

May the Love of the Father, embodied in the only begotten Son
Show you how to live, by giving you capacity to love others
Giving you something to give away as you encounter those in your world
In order to bring them back to the Father

May this Love, born of a virgin, sent from the Father, rebirth your spirit
To make you alive by the Spirit of God Who empowers you
Enabling you to love others beyond your ability to do so
By showing them the Father’s love in you

May the culmination of HOPE, PEACE, and JOY be realized in LOVE
Just as the prophets of old gave you HOPE of a coming Messiah
It manifested in PEACE through the Babe in Bethlehem
Bringing JOY to your world, making room to receive LOVE

God's Names at Christmastime - Mighty God

The following is from my book, The Names of God.

Luke 1:49 (ESV) for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.

This is an amazing verse. He who is Mighty, holy is His name. There are many people in our world that could be considered mighty. However, when you consider the circumstances in which this statement is made you realize there can only be one conclusion.

Mary, a teenage girl in Israel, a virgin, was just asked to become the mother of God’s Son, Jesus. Can you imagine what must have been going through this young lady’s mind? Based on what we know about her background, Mary most likely understood The Law. She had heard that a Messiah was coming to redeem Israel – through a virgin. She also understood the penalty for pregnancy outside of marriage – death by stoning.

When the angel appeared Mary was surprised by the words spoken to her, yet she was willing to be obedient to God’s will for her life. “Let it be according to your word.” This one moment was both a pinnacle of excitement beyond her wildest dreams – to be the mother of God’s Son – and the deepest pit of dread – dying as an unwed mother.

She had to ask some questions: What would Joseph think? What would her parents think? What would the priest do to her? In the end her answer was, “Yes!” Once the decision was made and sealed by her confession to the angel, Mary began to see the gravity of her agreement. She just said yes to God. That is when she began her “song” as theologians call it - The Magnificat.

The verse cited above is part of Mary’s Song. He who is Mighty has done great things FOR ME. Unlike others that were encountered by God that could not find it within them to say, “Yes,” because of what it would cost them, Mary said, “Great things were done for me!” Mary realized that Mighty God had just entered her through the Holy Spirit. As far as we know from scripture, Mary became the first person filled with the Holy Spirit.

It resulted in her conceiving Jesus in her womb; God now becoming flesh. Jack Hayford, in his book “The Mary Miracle” describes this event as the “fountainhead of all miracles.” Because Mary recognized God as Mighty, and allowed Him to perform His plan through her, she became blessed among women.

Each of us has a choice today. Do we say, “Yes,” to God and His plan by allowing Mighty to do great things FOR US, or do we rebuff the One who loves us most?

Friday, December 20, 2024

God's Names at Christmastime - Prince of Peace

The following is from my book, The Names of God.

Isaiah 9:6 (ESV) For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah prophesied that there was One coming that would be The Prince of Peace. This phrase is made up of two Hebrew words: “sar”, which means “a head person (of any rank or class)”, and “shalom”, which means “safe.”

When Jesus came as Messiah, He also came to demonstrate to us how to be safe, how to live at peace with everyone. Our mission is to bring as many into this “peace” as possible, by introducing them to The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

There is much confusion (I choose to say that, even though it may be blatant ignorance) among many politicians and members of the media regarding the religion of the Muslims. They speak of Islam as a “peaceful religion.” They arrive at this notion by asking imams and other Islamic leaders questions like, “Is this a peaceful religion?” To which, they always reply, “Yes, we strive for peace with all people.”

Here’s the truth. In Islam there is only one goal: for Allah to rule the world. Within that premise, there are only two states of being for a region. If Allah rules it is considered a “house of peace”, but where Allah is not acknowledged as god, it is a “house of war.” The “war” is aimed at ANYONE that does not bow to Allah. The notions of "houses" or "divisions" of the world in Islam such as Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb does not appear in the Quran or the Hadith. Early Islamic jurists devised these terms to denote legal rulings for ongoing Muslim conquests almost a century after Muhammad. (

You cannot come to any other conclusion when looking at the barebones truth of Christianity and Islam. They cannot coexist. We cannot be “tolerant” of Islam. What is our recourse as Christians? Evangelize!! It is not our purpose to oppose them with force. That is the role of governments and the military. (I do not support the notion that Christians should not be involved in politics or the military.) Our job as the Church is to win them for Christ. We must tell them of The Prince of Peace, because that is the reality for which their hearts are searching.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

God's Names at Christmastime - Counselor

The following is from my book, The Names of God.

Isaiah 28:29 (ESV) This also comes from the LORD of hosts; he is wonderful in counsel and excellent in wisdom.

I know one of the most amazing counselors. She can listen for hours on end to others as they share their problems or concerns. She has such compassion that it motivates her to work with others to find the root of the issue, bring the truth of God concerning the situation, and see them totally delivered and set free from the bondage caused by the lies the enemy has introduced into their life.

She is an example of what the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, wants to do in our lives.

The meaning of the word used for Counselor means, “to give advice, plan, or show prudence.” It is from a root word that means, “to advise, to deliberate, or resolve.”

Part of the nature that God placed inside man is a free will. The Counselor comes to us to give information (advice) on what we should do as we face decisions in life. He has a plan for us if we will only submit our will to His. The scripture He has given is full of wisdom that, when applied to our life, will result in prudent decisions.

The Counselor is a primary work of the Holy Spirit, but remember that this same Holy Spirit has gifts that He has given to the Church to empower Her to live free from the bondage that the curse of sin introduced to mankind. We need to learn to live in freedom, but know that the Counselor is ever-ready to give us advice when needed, reveal His plan for us, and resolve any issue that might present itself.

Let’s learn to hear the voice of the Counselor and follow His advise completely.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

God's Names at Christmastime - Emmanuel

The following is from my book, The Names of God, that I published a few years ago. In these days leading up to Christmas I thought it would be worth taking a second look to remind us that our life is saturated by the presence of our Creator.

Isaiah 8:8 (ESV) … and it will sweep on into Judah, it will overflow and pass on, reaching even to the neck, and its outspread wings will fill the breadth of your land, O Immanuel.”

Matthew 1:23 (ESV) “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel”

The different spellings of this name come from the origin being referenced. Immanuel is from Hebrew; the Greek spelling is Emmanuel. The latter is the most common in our vernacular. Regardless of the origin the meaning is the same: God with us.

To me, this is one of the most comforting names of God in scripture. It is easy, as humans, to stare into the starlit sky, or cast your eye over the vast horizon from atop a tall mountain, or listen to the numbing roar of the ocean at the beach, and not see the awesome power of our Creator. It is nice to know we serve an all-powerful Sovereign that rules the universe.

However, when we face unbearable turmoil, or bend from the weight of cares that seem to overwhelm us, or hear bad news that shakes the very foundations of our existence, it is just as comforting, if not more so, to know that God is with us; Emmanuel! When you know God is with you it makes unbearable a bit more tolerable. The weight of cares is lighter because He cares for you; God is with us. Bad news is less destructive because you know that He already knew, and has a plan to move you beyond this moment; God is with us.

The incarnation of Christ is perhaps the most hope-filled promise ever given to mankind. When they learned that God was not just somewhere out there. He came and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, that of the only begotten Son of God – Emmanuel. He showed us that life as a human on planet earth does mean something. We can live in fellowship with our Creator to accomplish His purpose for us. God is with us.

As a matter of fact, He is with us when we are not aware of His presence. Even if we try to escape His presence we cannot, because God is with us. He will never leave us or forsake us. Allow this truth to become part of your conscious thinking. Brother Lawrence encouraged this in his book “The Practice of the Presence of God (The Best Rule of a Holy Life)”. Even in the mundane things in life we must realize that God is with us. When this becomes a way of life it makes it easier to allow God to help us through the “big” things that seem to make us shipwreck.

Emmanuel, God with us. Every day. Every moment. Right now. So regardless of what you are facing know that God is there, and He is able to get you beyond the current circumstances. He loves you … and He is here.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 12/15/2024 – Third Sunday of Advent – Joy

Sunday’s Blessing – 12/15/2024 – Third Sunday of Advent – Joy

May the joy of knowing you are loved and accepted by the Father overwhelm you
So you may know the limitless joy found by abiding in the glory of God
Until you accept joy as a lifestyle, not just a feeling
So your joyful light may shine to every corner of your world

May you experience the source of joy Himself, whom is Jesus-Messiah
By being emersed into Christ by the Spirit of Joy
Washing away all the debris of this world and its kingdom
So you may experience a new citizenship in the Kingdom of God

May you hear the joyous sound as the Creator and His heaven
Sing songs of deliverance over you, and bring joy close to you
So you may join in singing with the chorus
Declaring the joy of the Lord is your strength, brought through hope and peace

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 12/08/2024 – Second Week of Advent – Peace

Sunday’s Blessing – 12/08/2024 – Second Week of Advent – Peace

May you discover the Prince of Peace who came to earth as a human baby
So you may understand peace comes by being vulnerable
So you may remove the walls meant to protect, but actually make you a prisoner
So you can receive the precious gift of Peace, which is Jesus, the Messiah

May you sing the songs of the shepherds visited by the angel announcing the Savior’s birth
And believe and seek out the One sent to calm your soul
So you may bow down and worship Him, the Spotless Lamb sent to redeem you
And bring you back into fellowship with the Father

May you be engulfed by the Spirit of Peace whom Jesus sent when He ascended to heaven
To remain in you until Jesus returns
To give you strength to live in peace regardless of the storm you face
To allow you to find rest, even in the storm

Friday, November 29, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 12/01/2024 – First Week of Advent – Hope

Sunday’s Blessing – 12/01/2024 – First Week of Advent – Hope

May you embrace the hope brought to humanity through Jesus
May this hope sustain you in times of distress
May this hope comfort you in times of mourning
May this hope energize you in times of weakness

May you allow the hope found in the King empower you
To see the good in those around you
To share your life without reserve
To embrace your Kingdom purpose with resolve

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 11/24/2024 – Thanksgiving Week

Sunday’s Blessing – 11/24/2024 – Thanksgiving Week

May you find a place in your heart for giving thanks
May you remember the reasons to be thankful
May you never forget the reasons to be thankful
May you develop a language of gratitude

May you realize thanksgiving is not a holiday, but a way of life
May you understand when your blessings surpass your own efforts
May you never resist receiving help when you need it
May you become the help others are seeking

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 11/17/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 11/17/2024

May you see who you really are by looking into God’s Word
For the more you read, the more you become like what it says about you
For when you worship Jesus you are transformed into His image
Until we see Him face to face, then we will be like Him

May your mind be renewed to believing you are a new creation
So you may begin to think the thoughts of the Holy Spirit
And be led by the peace of God, with your path illuminated by the Spirit
Until you are fully immersed in your God-given purpose

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 11/10/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 11/10/2024

May today be the fulfillment of your faith – to see the essence of things hoped for
So that you will see the need to dream bigger
And understand that God has no limits
Until your own expectations have been exceeded beyond what you can even ask or think

May you come to know the great hope available in Christ
Since God has already given it to you – a future and a hope
Then you allow the wind of God’s Spirit to blow the flame into an inferno
Until there is no lack in your life at all

May you also experience the greatest of these three – love
The kind that has no shame, only acceptance and forgiveness
From, not only God, but others with whom you have a relationship
So you can beam with the glow of God’s glory to all who see you

God’s trifecta for you – Faith, Hope, Love – may you know all of them now, today, forever

Monday, November 4, 2024

60 Second Testimony

60 Second Testimony

I attend a Bible study on Thursday nights. We are currently working our way through a book on discipleship, focusing on sharing our faith; in common church vernacular - witnessing. For me, "witnessing," or as I call it, sharing my faith, is more a way of life than it is an intentional action. I share things about many relationships I have in my life. I never walk up to someone I do not know and say, "I would like to introduce you to my grandchildren!" Some do this. I'm not one of them.

In that same line of thought, nearly everyone I know are aware of my grandchildren. Many know their names, ages, and latest exploits. It's what you do when you are in relationship with someone. You share your heart ... all of it.

However, there may be an opportunity which may arise where you feel compelled to share what God has done in your life. You may see someone struggling to find their way through a difficult stretch of living. In those moments it would help to have something prepared to "break the ice" in order to get a conversation started. Our text for the current study suggests having a "60 Second Testimony." By having a concise opener memorized for easy recall, it takes some of the pressure off. It's simply sharing something about Someone you are in relationship with in order to help a fellow human cope with circumstances.

Below is what I've settled on for my 60 Second Testimony. It only took 65 years to come up with this. I weeded out a lot of jargon and confusing Christianese to get to this place. Take a look:

I spent much of my life confused about who God is. I never wondered if there was a God. I could see in nature there had to be a Creator. I just could not get my head around who He was by what I heard said about Him by those who claimed to be His children.

It wasn’t until I came to the end of myself that I cried out to Him, and from that experience began learning who He really is. Through this process I came to know Him, and the life-transformation He offered through all that Jesus did to provide a way back into fellowship with God, the Creator, the Father, the One who loves me most.

Now I spend my life trying to get others to see the God that I have come to know, so they, too, can have a relationship with Him. He stands ready to hear our cry and will move heaven and earth if necessary to bring you back home.

I would love to hear you comments. I won't argue with you. You may think it's the worst thing ever. You may think it's the best thing ever. Either way, I would not disagree with you. It's simply my way of verbalizing what I have come to know about God up to this point. But, I'm always trying to learn more. If you feel you have something which can help me see more of God, please share it with me.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Saturday, November 2, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 11/03/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 11/03/2024

May you realize the whole message of scripture is revealing the Creator to His world
So you may know the meaning of your existence: to show God’s glory in your world
So you may experience the reality of the Spirit: to empower you to be a witness
So you may live by faith: walking in the grace and mercy of the Father

Live in pursuit of the knowledge of God by asking, seeking, and knocking
And find what the Father has prepared for the Body of Christ, the Church
Which is revealed to you by His Spirit
So that you may share it with those you encounter in your life

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 10/27/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 10/27/2024

May you realize this day that God’s plan to redeem you is already in place
That you understand He has called you out of darkness
That He has obliterated sin through Christ
That He has restored you as a son/daughter of Him

May you find your life-plan inside of God’s plan
That you may know His plan for you because the Spirit has revealed it
That you may walk out this plan as He directs your steps
That you may see the desires of your heart completely satisfied

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 10/20/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 10/20/2024

May you come to understand the fulness of being Identified with Christ
That you would die to self
That you would be buried with Christ
That you would be raised to walk out the life of Christ in the earth

May you fully realize that Christmas, nor Easter, contain the full manifestation of Jesus’ work He completed to provide our restoration to fellowship with the Father
That you would also live an ascended life, far above all rule, power, dominion, and names
That you would occupy your place, seated next to the Father
That you would welcome the Holy Spirit sent by Christ to empower us to be witnesses

May you reveal the Kingdom of God as you live your life
Each day, relying on the new grace and mercies given by the Father
Speaking the truth in love
Loving your neighbor as the sacred gift of God

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 10/13/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 10/13/2024

May the Lord help you to take every thought captive
So the 70,000 thoughts you have per day will be productive
So the positive thoughts you have will far outweigh the negative ones
So that you may move toward developing the mind of Christ

May the indwelling Spirit of God give you wisdom
So you may divide between soul and spirit in your thinking
So you may discern the thoughts and intents of your heart
So that you may become like the image of the Son of God

Tuesday, October 8, 2024



In a perfect world, skies would always be blue
The sun would always be shining, flowers always in bloom
No problems to concern us, no worries to bring us down
No noises to distract us, only songs and pleasant sounds

No pounds added from eating chocolate
Or lack of sleep to cause fatigue
Just sweet fellowship with those we love
And a wonderful life to lead

This world does not exist except in dreams and times of wonder
The real world comes with challenges, a vigorous fight and sometimes thunder
So we must choose our steps, our goals, our dreams
To not become lost as we live out every hour we have with purpose

One thing must remain a conscious thought as we forge our way forward
It’s vital to our sense of joy, excitement, and determination
Mistakes do not define us as each day we can begin anew
Until we realize the good days where things went well far outweigh the bad

Just as in this lyric, where each phrase was not a perfect rhyme
The meter is not very consistent, maybe not even existent
But the message it contains rings true if you’ll only listen
Don’t let a bad yesterday make today unworth the living

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 10/06/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 10/06/2024

May you hear the sound of the Lord in your life
So when He speaks you will hear
When He beacons you will respond
When He sings over you, you dance

May you discover you life song
Which harmonizes with the rest of the Body of Christ
Which draws others toward the peace in your life
Which sounds off the grace and love of God

Sunday, September 29, 2024

I Can Finally Hear Again

 I can finally hear again.

About 20 years ago I experienced an episode with my ears which left me with tinnitus and a noticeable hearing loss. According to the doctors at the Shea Clinic in Memphis said it is likely I already had the tinnitus, but just didn't notice it. Regardless, it caused me great concern, but it did not seem to be unmanageable. They explained the problem was most likely caused by unprotected exposure to loud sounds. Immediately, all the times at Grandmother's house shooting guns and fireworks came to mind. Also, the loud music every week at church could have been a factor.

About 4 years ago I got my hearing checked which revealed a significant loss of hearing in the higher frequencies, where most of the unvoiced consonants (p, t, k, ch, s, wh, etc.) are heard. It explained a lot regarding the difficulty I was having with communicating with others.

Again, I considered the problem to be manageable and did not pursue hearing aids which were recommended by the hearing center analyst. The data confirmed the need for hearing aids, but my pride simply could not say, "Yes."

After the frustration with speech communication grew every day, I finally decided to take another look at the options available to improve my hearing. This time, I made the decision to get hearing aids. I must say, the experience has been a game-changer for me. As uncomfortable as I was in the beginning, I have been pleasantly surprised by the experience. The first sound I remember hearing came from a trip outside after dark. I heard crickets and cicadas. I could not believe it. I didn't even realize I wasn't hearing them. A few days later I had dinner with one of my children, and I didn't have to say, "What?", a single time. I can now watch tv without closed-captioning. Just about every day I hear things that I didn't realize I couldn't hear.

I encourage you to get your hearing checked. First of all, to make sure there is nothing wrong with your ears. Secondly, get your hearing tested. You may be missing out on a lot of things. One thing I'm looking forward to is a visit with my grandchildren. I'm ready to hear their sweet voices.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 09/29/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 09/29/2024

May you always have ears to hear what the Lord is saying
So you may be quick to respond
So you may be clear in your understanding
So you may complete the purpose He has for your life

May you always know His voice when He speaks
So you can act with confidence
So you can know He is with you
So you can take your rest in Him

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 09/22/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 09/22/2024

May the Lord reveal His purpose to you
That you may know His nature and character
That you may understand His Kingdom
That you may find your place in it

May the Lord show you His glory (the request Moses made of the Lord)
That you may see Him as He is (the promise for the Believer)
That you may trust Him with your entire being (the power of the Believer)
That you may show His glory to the world (the plan for every Person)

May the Lord demonstrate His love for you
That you may feel the strength of God
That you may have confidence of God’s acceptance
That you may be able to love others

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 09/15/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 09/15/2024

May you know the reality of God’s presence in your life
More than the air you breathe
More than what is felt by your senses
More than you know you are alive

May you reflect the image of Christ to your world
More clearly than your very appearance
More precisely than the words you speak
More lasting than the impression you make

Monday, September 9, 2024

To Tell the Truth

It is impossible to know what someone is thinking. Even under severe torture, or after giving threats of death, you can never know if someone has told the fullness of their thoughts. That is the one thing science cannot determine.

Psychoanalysis claims to be able to tell someone’s thoughts through interrogation or counselling. However, this is only conjecture based on the beliefs of the interrogator/counselor. Their own thoughts filter what they hear to then produce what they claim to be the thoughts of another.

The legal system cannot produce truth from a person. The best they can accomplish is to get corroboration on what they believe to be the truth, not the actual truth.

You. Yourself. The only one who knows what you truly think is you.

Most of what we encounter from others is what they want us to think that they think. Consequently, we then start playing the game of “Catch Me If You Can” so we can find them telling untruths. “Ah, I knew it couldn’t be true,” we exclaim joyfully. But even then, you only find that what they said may, or may not, have been true. But you still do not know the truth; only that some of what was spoken was not true.

Can we humans find a way to communicate with complete transparency? As long as there are consequences for “bad” behavior, I don’t think we will ever get there.

There are a set of rare humans which have a “defect” which causes them to have no filter on their words. It’s considered a defect, because “normal” people would never say such things. We see this behavior modeled for us by entertainment with characters like Kramer and Sheldon, who say things that make others blush, or worse. As these characters spew their “truth” it appears they have no remorse whatsoever for being critical or brutally honest with their comments.

How is it, that the rest of society has condoned lying, or “embellishing/altering” the truth so as to not be offensive? Civilized people would never point out that a woman’s nose was too big, or someone’s intelligence was below par. At least, not publicly or to the person’s face. Yet, we applaud the TV characters for being bold enough to “speak the truth.”

 I believe it is a misnomer to label the new technology of the day as “artificial intelligence” when our real intelligence is also artificial. Instead of working on human evolution to get to a place of complete honesty, we invent a way for an app to tell the lies for us so we don’t have to.

Just some random thoughts for your consideration.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 09/08/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 09/08/2024

May the Lord grant you grace to accept your place in the Body of Christ
To realize the importance of every member of the Body
To give your all to keep the Body functioning at its best
To never covet/desire to be something other than what you can supply

May the Lord empower you to serve faithfully in your calling
So every need will be supplied
So your joy may be full
So Jesus will be manifested in the earth

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 09/01/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 09/01/2024

May the Lord give you eyes to see yourself through His eyes
Just like the adulterer, David, a man after my own heart
A murderer, Moses, a leader of a nation
A harlot, Rahab, an ancestor of Jesus

May the Lord let you hear His voice over your own
As He declares, “This is my beloved son/daughter, in whom I am well pleased”
As He sings songs of deliverance over you
As He welcomes you into His presence unashamed

May the Lord show you His future plans for you
To give you hope
To give you peace
To give you eternal life with Him

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 08/25/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 08/25/2024

May you experience an encounter with the Father
When you wait upon Him with expectation
When you are preoccupied with many things
When you have no idea where you are or what you’re doing

May you understand your purpose given to you from the Creator
When you embrace His call you hear through His Still Small Voice
When you realize His call through His written Word
When you are moved to action through compassion

May you never lose the passion for revealing Christ to your world
When you speak well of the Father by declaring His nature and character
When you reflect the image of Christ through your actions
When you show love to your neighbor

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 08/18/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 08/18/2024

May you realize the extent God went through to have fellowship with you
Even though you were separated from Him by the sin of Adam
He provided a way back by paying the price of redemption
To restore you completely

May you experience fellowship with Him without shame
Because He made you righteous
By washing you completely
And received you as His own

Saturday, August 10, 2024


There is a reason Jesus presented Himself as "a friend who sticks closer than a brother." He knew we would need to know this.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 08/04/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 08/04/2024

You are a blessing from the Lord
Since you were conceived (in the mind of God) on purpose
You were predestined (pre-horizoned) to be conformed to the image of Christ
You have a future and a hope

You are here to glorify the Lord in the earth
To BE to the praise of His glory
To manifest His glory
To reveal Christ to others

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 07/28/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 07/28/2024

May you never tire of the rain from Heaven
Even when you feel saturated
When your cup is overflowing
You are being blessed to give instead of always receiving

May the Lord give wisdom during the rainy seasons
To discern what is to be consumed (bread) and what is to be given (seed)
To have strength for the journey
And always have crops in the making

May your dreams/purpose stay before your eyes
So you may contend for the prize
Run with intent
Attain the goal

Written by Dudley M Harris, July 26, 2024, 11:36 pm

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 07/21/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 07/21/2024

May you become fully aware of God’s presence, even when you are the most alone you’ve ever been
Aware that He knows your every thought
Sees your every move
Gives you every breath

May you understand there is no place where He is not
Even when you don’t want Him there
Feel like you do not deserve His presence
Are ashamed to know He knows

May you fully embrace the grace, mercy, and forgiveness He brings
Because you cannot earn it
You cannot survive without it
You can only accept it

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 07/14/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 07/14/2024

May the Lord’s goodness overwhelm you as the sound of waves crashing on the shore
Unending, one after the other, each with a singular purpose
Bringing ashore what is needed for the day
Washing away what needs to be released

May the wind of God blow constant as the ocean breeze
Giving lift to your wings for flight
Cooling you from the fervent heat
Infusing breath into your dreams and desires

May the grains of beach sand and stars in the sky bring new vision
Both above and below, reflecting the myriad of possibilities
Each one unique waiting to be discovered
Containing the perfect path for you in this moment

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 07/07/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 07/07/2024

May your soul be refreshed like the cool rain falling on the parched summer ground
Like rain from heaven soaking the dry places
Like cool waters soothing the scorching heat
Like gentle breezes refreshing the stale air

May you flourish as the daylily, welcoming the sunlight
With deep roots to drink from the waters beneath
With beautiful array of flowers declaring God’s beauty
With no care or worry, resting in The Father’s love

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 06/30/2024 – Independence Day Week

Sunday’s Blessing – 06/30/2024 – Independence Day Week

May you come to understand July 4 is not a Christian holiday
Because your independence was bought at Easter
Through the death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and seating of Christ
Freeing you from any dependence other than to the Father

May you be thankful for a country where you are free to exercise your faith without penalty
Giving praise to the One who provided your liberty
And pray for those who are not so fortunate
As they face unknown consequences for exercising their faith

May you live your life as an ambassador of The Kingdom
Representing the Lord to your world
Serving as a minister of reconciliation, leading all people back to God
By revealing Christ to those you meet

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 06/23/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 06/23/2024

May you encounter the God of New Beginnings
So you can realize it is never too late
So you can know that God is always for you
So you will see there is still a reason to live

May you mark this day as the beginning of the rest of your life
Forgetting prior mistakes or failures
Allowing yourself to receive the grace God has given
And live today as if you have nothing to lose

May you be aware of the wonder God has placed in your path
So you will never stop dreaming
So you will keep a creative mindset
So you will become more like your Lord

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 06/16/2024 – Father’s Day

Sunday’s Blessing – 06/16/2024 – Father’s Day

May the Lord encourage and comfort you on the day we honor fathers
Encouragement for those who did/does not have a great father
Comfort for those whose father is no longer living
Hope that you will know the love of THE Father

May the Lord strengthen and humble fathers on their special day
Strength so you may stand firm for your family
Wisdom to guide them toward their purpose
Humility to realize that without the Spirit’s power you are nothing

May the Lord bring clarity and understanding to the Church fathers
Clarity of purpose for those bold enough to lead a congregation
Understanding the role God has given to nurture those in your care
Willing to follow the model of the Good Shepherd

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Foreword to my current writing project: The Road Back from Nowhere

It is hard to understand the twists and turns we encounter in life. Some simply write it off as “God’s will.” Others argue that the path we travel is the result of choices. And yet there are those who place the reason on fate, serendipity, or kismet. Regardless of the why or how, when we one day realize we are “not in Kansas anymore,” it is difficult to comprehend exactly how we arrived at “here.”

Whether good or bad, the challenge becomes “what now.” Some lament their current state and sit down, never to get up again. Life just passes them by. Others rebel, thinking they have been cheated or duped into something less than what they thought was coming to them. But there are others who make a conscious decision to move; move forward, up, ahead, toward the prize or goal, reaching for the horizon to see what lies beyond.

There are, however, those rare individuals who have been following the path and realize life may have been a long journey in the same direction. Without anything to base it on, or guarantee of the outcome, they hold fast to hope. A dream lives within them which they refuse to let die. It’s not always in their conscious thoughts, but it is never far either. Almost daily reminders, the memories fuel their anticipation that one day, somehow, something will change.

And then it does! You wonder, “Why has it taken this long.” But in the same millisecond of thought you exclaim, “It all happened so fast.” Finally, suddenly! Wearied longing coupled with exuberant jubilation. You weep because the end of frustration has been eclipsed by heart-pounding joy. Like encountering an oasis after long, hot days in the desert. You realize you survived but feel almost guilty about drinking so much of the cool water. Why were you allowed to reach this point of elation while others still struggle to wake up in the morning?

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 06/09/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 06/09/2024

As graduates everywhere are being celebrated
May the Lord continue His work in you until the Day of Jesus Christ
So you may walk in the knowledge and wisdom of Christ
So you may prove yourself to be a good workman in the Kingdom
So that you can be celebrated when you meet Him face to face

As each graduate begins a new phase of their life
May the Lord give you eyes to see what comes next
So you can live from your purpose
So you continue to grow into new areas of influence
So you may hear the Father say, “Well done”

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 06/02/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 06/02/2024

May the Lord bless you with those sent ones
Those who will speak words of edification, exhortation, and comfort
Ones gifted at bringing information to a decision-point
Those who can encourage and teach you

May the result of those sent by the Lord
Equip you for your journey
To place you so you will flourish in your purpose
That you may know the Father and the Word, being emersed in the Spirit

May the completion of your experience
Bring you closer to the image of Christ
Being able to stand steady when the wind blows
Firmly established on the Foundation Stone

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 05/26/2024 – Memorial Day Weekend

Sunday’s Blessing – 05/26/2024 – Memorial Day Weekend

May the Lord always be in your active thoughts –  remembering, considering, dreaming – about all He has done and will do for you
So that, in remembering, you will not repeat mistakes
In considering, you will keep the proper perspective on where you fit in His Kingdom
In dreaming you will see the vast possibilities which still lay ahead of you

May you honor the victories gained through Christ’s suffering and conquering the evil one on your behalf
So that, in remembering, you will give thanks continually for the grace and mercy of the Father
In considering, you will walk in humility, firmly ensconced in your purpose
In dreaming, you will find creative ways to fulfill your purpose in the Kingdom

May you find ways to visualize memorials (your Ebenezer – look it up) to keep you anchored on course as you pursue the Kingdom
So that, in remembering, you will not falter when fatigue or confusion may come
In considering, you will mark progress to gain encouragement and increased stamina for the journey
In dreaming, you will never fear the mountain, or valley, which may be ahead of you

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 05/19/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 05/19/2024

May you become fully aware of the predestined life from God
That you understand the meaning of “pre-horizoned” from your beginning
That God set a course for your life, but you choose how to live it
That His one desire is for you is to be conformed to the image of Christ

May you embrace the promise that God has given you a future and a hope
That you may come to know His salvation provided through Jesus
That you keep your eyes looking upward, from where your Help comes
That you experience the fullness of the hope you have in Him

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I'll, Aisle, Isle

I'll, Aisle, Isle: English is Hard. Communication is harder. Even when words are perfectly chosen, they can still be misconstrued by both the speaker and the hearer. The speaker gives off non-verbals constantly while talking, sometimes giving mistaken signals which can either nullify or alter the intended meaning of the words spoken. The hearer listens through a filter developed over their lifetime which can misinterpret the true meaning of what is being said.

I honestly do not know how we get anything accomplished. This is why there are so many attorneys in the English-speaking world. Both spoken and written words are parsed to the point that you can make anything said or written say whatever you want it to. Remember President Clinton's famous line, "It depends on what the definition of is is."?

At some point you have to just go on with life. You say what you say and hope that anyone who doesn't understand correctly will eventually come to you for clarification. Until then, move forward. Don't wait on everything to be perfect, because it probably never will be. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Bell, Bail, Bale

Bell, Bail, Bale: English is hard. Understanding context makes all the difference when it comes to communication. Before thinking you understand what someone is saying, ask questions for clarity. Restate what you think you heard using different words to make sure you heard things correctly.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 05/12/2024 – Mother’s Day

Most of the time, it is easy to bless your mother
I realize there are those who had a bad experience 
Being raised by a mother with struggles; mental, financial, emotional, physical
Some never knew their mother: died giving birth, died early from disease or accident, adoption

Regardless, the Bible is clear that we are to honor her; she doesn’t have to be honorable
We are to love her; she doesn’t have to be lovely
We are to obey her; this is actually given as a benefit to us, so we will have a long life
We are to learn from her; she doesn’t have to smart

This day, even if you have to do it in faith, rise up and call her blessed
If your mother is still living, find a way, through recorded or written words, a purchased item like a poem or picture or some other form of art, or an actual conversation
To tell her how much you appreciate her giving birth to you, for nurturing you to maturity, for sacrificing much so you could live
If she is no longer living, do one of the above things for yourself as a tribute to your mother

Motherhood is certainly one of the most difficult aspects of humanity
Giving up your body for nine months, enduring birth, seemingly unending responsibility
Especially when the father is either absent or not engaged in the parenting process
It is a sacrifice many have made, and with very little thanks given for all they gave

Here is a Sunday’s Blessing for moms:

May you know the peace which comes from loving your children
That you may enjoy the precious gift from the Lord each one represents
That you realize you are a great blessing in each child’s life, even if they do not know it
That you find your strength in the Spirit’s presence in those desperate moments

May you hear the Lord’s voice in each cry
See the Lord’s majesty in each smile
Recognize the gifts each child is given by God
And direct each arrow into their destiny as you launch them toward their purpose