Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 05/26/2024 – Memorial Day Weekend

Sunday’s Blessing – 05/26/2024 – Memorial Day Weekend

May the Lord always be in your active thoughts –  remembering, considering, dreaming – about all He has done and will do for you
So that, in remembering, you will not repeat mistakes
In considering, you will keep the proper perspective on where you fit in His Kingdom
In dreaming you will see the vast possibilities which still lay ahead of you

May you honor the victories gained through Christ’s suffering and conquering the evil one on your behalf
So that, in remembering, you will give thanks continually for the grace and mercy of the Father
In considering, you will walk in humility, firmly ensconced in your purpose
In dreaming, you will find creative ways to fulfill your purpose in the Kingdom

May you find ways to visualize memorials (your Ebenezer – look it up) to keep you anchored on course as you pursue the Kingdom
So that, in remembering, you will not falter when fatigue or confusion may come
In considering, you will mark progress to gain encouragement and increased stamina for the journey
In dreaming, you will never fear the mountain, or valley, which may be ahead of you

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