Tuesday, December 24, 2024

God's Names at Christmastime - Wonderful

I recently finished writing a book called "The Wonder of the Wilderness". It's not published yet, but hopefully will be after the first of the year. Sometimes we overlook some of the simple ways in which God is presented to us in scripture. The word "wonderful" is very familiar to us. So when it is also ascribed to God, we tend to be unimpressed. After all, the doughnut we had this morning was wonderful. The picture our toddler drew at school is wonderful. The wedding last weekend was wonderful.

So what, that God is also wonderful ... until you look at the true meaning of the word: full of wonder. A doughnut is not full of wonder (even though they are really good!). The wedding was beautiful, and emotionally moving, but not really full of wonder. Perhaps, because of the innocence and creativity alive in a toddler, their drawing may actually be filled with wonder.

But God IS wonderful (full of wonder). His very essence exudes wonder. When you seriously consider God, His nature, His character, His presence, everything about Him is wonder-filled. It's no "wonder" (slight pun intended) that when it came time to send His Son, Jesus, to earth to redeem mankind, that "wonderful" would be one of the adjectives used to describe His birth.

A teenage virgin girl (Mary) willing to give up her dream of life with Joseph as just a husband and wife to become the mother of God's Son. An old priest and barren wife (Zacharias and Elizabeth) surprised with WONDERFUL news of a son (John) that would usher in the presence of Messiah.

The old prophet, Simeon, that recognized Jesus as Messiah when Joseph and Mary brought Him to the temple on the eighth day. The woman widowed at a young age, Anna, who spent the remainder of her life in the temple praying, when she saw the Messiah and was able to bless the Child.

Wise men who travelled for years, following the WONDERS in the sky that led them to the Newborn King.

It is no surprise that Christmastime is filled with wonder, because the first Christmas truly was. Let WONDER fill your heart and home this year. Make room for Jesus, but also for others, to celebrate this most blessed time together.

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