Thursday, December 27, 2018

Improvement vs. Criticizing

I notice problems. I don't consciously look for them. They just pop out at me. This can be both a blessing and a curse. When you are attempting to fix something that is broken it is a good thing. When you are listening to something inspirational, not so much.

I know others that have this knack in them. The most important thing is what is done with the information. I attempt to use the newly identified problem to help improve things. If I notice something not working correctly on the soda fountain at the local fast-food chain, I bring it to the attention of the manager so they can correct it. If the door-closer at the church is broken I report it to the person responsible for building maintenance. Because of this, I consider myself an Improver.

Others, when learning of a problem or an issue, will tell everyone except the person that can correct the problem. These folks are Criticizers. They have no desire to see anything improve. Instead, they seek opportunities to point out flaws in others.

There are others, still, that simply do not notice the problems at all. These are called Happy People. Sometimes I wish I was one.

I remember a quote, but cannot recall the source. I believe it was from a CEO that said, "For every problem you bring to the board you also need to bring at least two possible solutions." Be an Improver!

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