Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Nationalism and Election Day

Today is election day in the United States. I hope you vote. It is the primary way we can help shape our government. It is the duty of every American to use this right to voice their opinion on laws and policy which our political leaders will pursue.

Much has been said about nationalism in the past few weeks; most of it negative. It is a good word that has been caught up in the political churn and made into a bad word. Nationalism simply means, "patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts." Recently the meaning has been changed to add, "... and hate all other countries, and the people of those countries." In other words, ethnic prejudice.

Part of the reason for this change is due to our inability to tolerate anything that is different than our own views or opinions. For some, if you say, "I love American," it implies that you hate everything else. That would be the equivalent of saying, "I love my wife, therefore I hate my mother, my sister, or any other woman." That is just not true for most.

It is possible to love something without hating everything else. But, one of the most effective political tools of late is that of "hate". We have passed laws called "Hate Crimes" as though that will make the punishment worse. One of the more disconcerting developments is the term "Hate Speech." If you even say something deemed "hateful" by another you can suffer dire consequences.

It is unfortunate that society has devolved to this level. We need to find a way to be civil again, and not feel the need to attack anyone that does not agree with our ideals.

So, vote. Vote your heart. Vote your passion. Vote your conscience. Vote your beliefs. But vote. It is the most patriotic (and nationalistic) thing to do.

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