Sunday, April 10, 2016

Square Peg – Round Hole

Square Peg – Round Hole

There is an old adage that says, “You can’t put a square peg in a round hole.” Sometimes things just don’t fit. Relationships can be that way. Temperaments clash, or likes and dislikes just don’t mesh. There are many reasons people do not get along.

However, I realized something today as I was fiddling with my latest gadget. I signed up for a Square account so I could take credit card payment for my book sales. It is a great service, and not very expensive. You just plug the Square reader into the iPhone audio jack, download the app, and you’re ready to go.

I ran into a slight problem, however, when I tried to plug the Square Reader into my phone. I have one of the big-honking protective cases on my iPhone. I have never dropped my phone, but in case I ever do, I don’t want a cracked screen, or worse! The thickness of the protective case would not allow the pin to seat properly in the phone’s audio jack. Consequently, there was no way to use the Square reader without first removing the case.

This is so true regarding relationships. We tend to put up such a massive wall around us to keep anything, or anyone, from hurting us that we also prevent good things from making contact as well. Not only is this true of human relationships, but it also can affect our relationship with God. The same guard we erect to keep us safe from emotional harm also closes off ALL attempts to touch our soul.

My pastor spoke on this very thing this past Sunday. He said, “Transparency leads to humility, and humility produces grace. Self-preservation leads to pride, and pride produces God’s opposition” The more vulnerable we become with those around us, the more open we will be to allow God’s grace to sustain us.

I found a work-around to the problem of using the Square with my phone case still intact. I purchased an adapter that provides an extension, which gives enough clearance for the Square Reader to fully engage in the audio jack on the phone. This is what led to the byline of this post: Square peg in a round hole. You see, God always has a way. Even if we are “square pegs in a world of round holes,” there is still hope for us.

My wife, a licensed pastoral counselor, and I were discussing temperaments one day. A temperament is simply the way you came prewired by God. Each temperament has good and not-so-good qualities. She explained, “One good thing about being a Christian is that God ‘tempers’ our temperament.” Through the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Believer, God “rounds off” some of the sharp edges that tend to keep us causing harm to others. In other words, He serves as an “adapter” to help us function in our world, even when things don’t exactly fit.

This is also the work of God’s grace in our life. My prayer this day is that you can find the grace to allow God’s Holy Spirit to begin His work of dismantling your outer protective shell that you’ve spend years building, and let Him touch you with His healing to stop the pain of past hurts, and allow you to become “real” again. It will be uncomfortable at first, but that is why His grace is there: to help you start the process of grace flowing into you from the Lord, and then back out of you to those around you.

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