Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 02/23/2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 02/23/2025

Baptism is a very curious word which has been interpreted to mean a vast array of things by those studying the Bible. Most associate the word with an act of being sprinkle by water, pouring water over someone, or immersing them in water. All of these are practiced by various Christian denominations/sects. While this is certainly the most prolific use of the word, it has other significant uses in scripture. There are multiple “baptisms” mentioned in the Bible: the baptism of John, the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, baptism into death, baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, baptism with water, baptism into Moses, baptism of Jesus, baptism into Christ, etc.

The Greek word which is interpreted “baptism” has a very simple meaning. It means “to whelm.” English adds “over” as a prefix which gives us the word overwhelm. The meaning does not include water. That is added based on the context where it’s found, like “they both went into the water, and John baptized Jesus.” This instance would certainly be a description of “water baptism”. But what about the Baptism of the Spirit? No water is mentioned there. And then there is the Baptism of Moses.

There is another word in the Bible, found in both the Old and New testaments, which describes time of God’s overwhelming presence. It’s called “overshadowing”. This word is used when the Holy Spirit encountered Mary when Jesus was conceived. This word describes the encounter with the Spirit on the Mount of Transfiguration. Personally, I think this is a more accurate description of baptism. There is a baptism which saves us, but it is not one involving water. Instead, it is the process of the Spirit of God overshadowing us when we become identified with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and seating at the right had of the Father (see Ephesians 1-2). This is the Baptism of the Spirit, where the Holy Spirit baptizes (whelms) us into Christ.

And now for this week’s blessing:

May you experience the overshadowing of God
So you may receive all He has to place in your heart
Which includes purposes, plans, and pursuits
Resulting in a life well-lived, enjoying the peace and joy He brings

May you be overwhelmed by the presence of God
So you will be transfigured (made to be what God intended)
To be witnesses of God’s love, grace, and mercy
To your world – your family, friends, and neighbors

May you willingly submit to the Spirit’s baptism
Which results in our reconciliation to God
So we may live as sons/daughters
Enjoying life fully alive to Him

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