Sunday, September 29, 2024

I Can Finally Hear Again

 I can finally hear again.

About 20 years ago I experienced an episode with my ears which left me with tinnitus and a noticeable hearing loss. According to the doctors at the Shea Clinic in Memphis said it is likely I already had the tinnitus, but just didn't notice it. Regardless, it caused me great concern, but it did not seem to be unmanageable. They explained the problem was most likely caused by unprotected exposure to loud sounds. Immediately, all the times at Grandmother's house shooting guns and fireworks came to mind. Also, the loud music every week at church could have been a factor.

About 4 years ago I got my hearing checked which revealed a significant loss of hearing in the higher frequencies, where most of the unvoiced consonants (p, t, k, ch, s, wh, etc.) are heard. It explained a lot regarding the difficulty I was having with communicating with others.

Again, I considered the problem to be manageable and did not pursue hearing aids which were recommended by the hearing center analyst. The data confirmed the need for hearing aids, but my pride simply could not say, "Yes."

After the frustration with speech communication grew every day, I finally decided to take another look at the options available to improve my hearing. This time, I made the decision to get hearing aids. I must say, the experience has been a game-changer for me. As uncomfortable as I was in the beginning, I have been pleasantly surprised by the experience. The first sound I remember hearing came from a trip outside after dark. I heard crickets and cicadas. I could not believe it. I didn't even realize I wasn't hearing them. A few days later I had dinner with one of my children, and I didn't have to say, "What?", a single time. I can now watch tv without closed-captioning. Just about every day I hear things that I didn't realize I couldn't hear.

I encourage you to get your hearing checked. First of all, to make sure there is nothing wrong with your ears. Secondly, get your hearing tested. You may be missing out on a lot of things. One thing I'm looking forward to is a visit with my grandchildren. I'm ready to hear their sweet voices.

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