Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Start of a Journey

The Start of a Journey

How appropriate to begin a new journey in life in an RV park. As I look around this morning, I’m surrounded by travelers. Where did they come from? Where are they going? Some have apparently been here for a while. Why have they stopped in this place? Is this the destination they were seeking, or is it just a resting place until the figure out the next step? Have they become stuck in the plan they had and cannot find their next destination?

So many questions. For myself, this is a refuge; a quiet place where I can contemplate what has been in light of what will be. I hope it is a place of healing – a time of reflection, reconnection, and restoration. In the process of living, especially moving at the pace required by today’s culture, you may not even know you are wounded. It gets lost in the pain of trying to keep up, trying to maintain, trying to stay alive. Once you discover the wound, you need to begin by stabilizing it to prevent further damage. You have to cleans the area of any remaining debris. Then apply antibiotic to clear up any infection which might have developed. Once the wound is healed, you can begin the process of rehabilitation.

Right now, I’m still trying to sort out the cause of the wound. I’ve been like a injured animal, who sees everything as a threat because they are wounded and do not want to risk further harm. I’ve not allowed anyone near because of the pain. I know that is not a healthy place and I have been working to overcome the fear of vulnerability. Until then, I am taking steps to cleans the wounded place; to bandage it, keep it clean, allow it to heal. The next phase will be rehab.

As for all these other travelers, I hope to hear their stories to learn of their journey, to maybe glean something from them to help with my own trek. I’m excited about the possibilities which lie ahead. When you get a chance to begin again, it is vital you begin from a known place. Without a true sense of “home” it is difficult to know which way to go. For me, in this season, this is home. I will venture out from this place to explore, to discover, to learn, to experience life which is available to me. Knowing I have a place of refuge allows me to learn vulnerability. I’ll be sharing more about the journey. I’m actually living through the last chapter of the book project I’m writing. One day you will be able to read it and hopefully find your way as you journey through life. Until then, keep searching for home.

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