Sunday, July 29, 2018

The American Church Is Broken

I know this will be misunderstood. I'm sorry. I have a book that explains it in much more detail.

American churches have become event driven. That used to mean something different than it does today. In the past it meant special speakers or music groups; or even major productions from their own choir, dance team, youth ensemble, etc. However, things have evolved to the point that every Sunday has to be "amazing, exciting, you-don't-want-to-miss-this" type of meeting.

I think it has become counter-productive. If you know anything about me, you know how much I hate dull, lifeless worship services. That's not what I'm talking about. But I believe gathering as the Body of Christ, giving our praise and worship to God, hearing the Word taught, and fellowshipping with other Believers is pretty exciting. It doesn't need hype. It doesn't need a special media campaign every week.

By generating a "focus" for each Sunday service the mundane things (the Body giving praise and worship to God, teaching of the Word, fellowship with Believers) gets lost in the shuffle and placed as a secondary reason for gathering.

Instead of being Event-focused we need to remain Process-focused. The process is making disciples. The process is personal growth through worship and the Word. The process is what Jesus came to demonstrate through His life among us.

Most will justify their programs by claiming "it's for the millennials." Before them it was the flower children, the Boomers, the Gen-Xers, etc., etc. We are so far removed from ekklesia described in scripture that we don't even have a clue.

I don't know how to right the ship. Fortunately this is mostly an American Church issue. Maybe other countries will send missionaries (by the way, they already have) to help us get back on course. I pray we find a way back to True Worship.

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