Tuesday, August 12, 2014

2014 08 12 | My Perspective on the Police Shooting


I felt compelled to respond to the recent incident near St. Louis involving a young man that was shot by a police officer. I am not taking sides because I do not have any information regarding the incident. My comments are aimed at those that take what they hear from the media and assume all of it is 100% accurate. This is NOT a race-related comment.

My father lost his life serving as a police officer in Birmingham. He was shot by someone that was attempting to steal goods from a trucking transfer station in North Birmingham. I often wish he had let them have the goods. Nothing they stole could be worth his life. But he could not. He took an oath to protect and serve, even if it meant paying the ultimate sacrifice.

When a police officer makes an arrest it is based on suspicion. The one taken into custody is presumed innocent by the law until proven guilty. The police become the go-between for the innocent and the guilty. They make choices based on the circumstances that are presented and the training they receive. Many times their decision must be made in microsecond time, and that choice can be the difference between life and death; for them and the suspect.

Even though the suspect is presumed innocent, the police officer is held to a much higher standard. If he discharges his weapon, whether anyone is hit or not, his actions come under scrutiny by a review board. If he does shoot a person he is relieved of his weapon and placed on alternate duty until a review of the incident is completed. The officer is presumed guilty until proven innocent.

I have never served as an officer. I can only imagine what it must be like to always be under a microscope, not only from the public, but also by your employer. I have always found it interesting that people that hate the policemen still dial 911 when they are in trouble. They still expect the police to respond, and they do respond. The police protect the haters with the same loyalty to duty as any other citizen.

Please try to reserve judgment until you know the facts. You have no idea what went on because you weren’t there. Even those were “there” didn’t see things from the perspective of either party involved in the incident. Google this if you don’t believe me: people make the worst eyewitnesses. Our memories immediately become clouded by our belief system and opinions of others. 

Please be part of the solution to this tragedy and not part of the problem.

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