Friday, September 6, 2013

Sleep - a poem


It is night that brings most dread
Body tired, day is spent
All the possibilities
That will never see daylight again

If this is all there is
Why do I even want to wake
The daily frustration of hours wasted
Now just haunting memories

If this is all there is
There is no need for morning
It only comes to mock my
Hope of more to come

But there is more … much more
Today was just a taste
Bitter or sweet
It is only a lesson learned

The hope of something more
Causes the sun to rise
To introduce the day
That could bring more to my world

There is more, because of THAT day
When all that was lost
Died once for all
To bring life forevermore

So now each day has promise
That Life will be found
Where before there was dread
Now joy

Night still comes
So morning can bring anticipation
Of finding that
Which is seeking after me

So sleep …

© 2013 Kurios Books. Written by Dudley Harris (September 6, 2013)

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