Monday, March 18, 2024

Peak, Peek, Pique

Peak, peek, pique: English is hard. Communication is harder. One of Steven Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” states: Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

This takes constant effort. We are prone to be preparing our next barb or witty comeback instead of actually listening to the content of the conversation. Especially when the topic is one which invokes passion. Actually consider the words spoken by others. It will lead to a much more cordial conversation, and you may learn something in the process.

This is so needful among Christians. We have a proof text for everything. As soon as we hear the "trigger word or phrase" we run through our rolodex for the perfect way to refute or reprimand the speaker with "the truth" and never actually hear what is in their heart. Take the time. Be patient. Every person deserves the respect to be heard. 

1 comment:

Elise said...

Actively listening to the other person and responding curiously about what they say can also lead to deeper connection in the relationship.
Even if it isn’t someone you want a deep connection with, it can also lead to establishing rapport which is important if you are discussing a belief or opinion that you’d like the person to be open to change.