Thursday, March 7, 2024

A Day in the Life of My Brain

A life is constructed of fragments which accumulate over the years
Beginning with a single cell formed by two DNA strands
Each human begins to take form as attributes are set in place
Eye color, skin tone, gender, hair texture, height: every part of you

As you become aware of the world around you through the senses
Each sight, sound, smell, taste, touch shapes your understanding
The pleasure or pain you experience influences your mental state
Each success or failure hones your personality

Then each person with whom you interact
Leaves a fragment of themselves with you, and you with them
Some influences for good, others for bad, others are indifferent
Constantly evolving with the addition and removal of encounter residue

Sometimes these fragments remain dormant in you
Until one day something causes them to erupt, spring forth, shine
Bringing personal illumination, or
Inspiring effect on your world

You are the keeper of this treasure-trove of influence
Each memory neatly organized in your mind
Waiting to be matched with the key
Which unlocks the potential

Maybe today will be a touchpoint for something amazing
It’s inside you
All it takes is a look, a sound, a feeling, a fragrance, a taste
Then an avalanche of potential is released

A single moment can change your entire existence
Yes, bad things can happen
But, just like the good things, your response makes all the difference
Because the future is determined by you

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