Saturday, February 15, 2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 02/16/2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 02/16/2025

I love reading blessings which have been written by church fathers through the years. I’m more familiar with those of St. Patrick, but many others are so inspirational. They are not considered “inspired”, but I feel they bring insight from a Believer which can certainly be used of God to help us in a particular moment when we find ourselves facing some of the same things as the ones writing the blessings.

That is certainly my hope. I do not expect to be remembered the way those, like St. Patrick, are viewed. I simply enjoy forming words to express what I feel in my heart and hope that others, like yourself, can find something in them to help.

And now for today’s blessing:

May you find a way to give voice to that which God has placed in you
So you may be someone else’s “present help in times of trouble”
For nothing you have experienced has been for naught
And the Spirit’s direction to you can be a lighthouse for others

May you remember, like God commanded of Israel, all that He has done in you
By rehearsing them regularly as you share your testimony (this word is so misunderstood)
Not from a pulpit, but in real conversations with family, friends, and acquaintances
And in doing so, spare them much heartache and grief by giving them hope

May you never underestimate the impact you have on others
For they watch when you are not aware of their view in the midst of your crisis
And they see/hear the actions/words you speak in the midst of pressure
Which God can use as “harvest reaped in due season” in their life

Be thankful for God’s grace and mercy for your own life
Which will keep you from hardening your heart
So your tenderness toward the Spirit’s voice
Will keep His words from going unnoticed

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 02/09/2025 – Valentine’s Week

Sunday’s Blessing – 02/09/2025 – Valentine’s Week

More is said about “love” during the next few days than just about the rest of the year combined. Mostly, it is for marketing all the gifts of chocolate, roses, jewelry, and lingerie, candlelight dinners, romantic getaways, and heart-shaped everythings. In the proper context, there is no problem with any of these things, but none of it represents what love should be about.

The issue is with our language. We use “love” for everything. We love our car. We love our house. We love our sports team. We love to take walks in the park. We love our children. We love our spouse. We love our friends. English makes us very lazy in expressing emotion. “Love” is an easy out. After expressing our feelings for just about everything by saying we “love it,” it leaves us at a loss when we truly want to tell someone we deeply care for them.

Other languages make this much easier. Greek, for instance, has eight distinct words which English interprets as love. They are eros (erotic, romantic, passionate), philia (friendship), ludus (carefree, playful), philautia (self-love), pragma (long-term, committed, compassionate), storge (deep, pure, long-term – familial), mania (obsessive), and agape (selfless, unconditional). It's easy to identify how the English word for love has been so widely applied. That’s why there is so much confusion introduced when someone says, “I love you.”

This Valentine’s Day, choose other words besides “I love you” to convey how you feel toward others. It can make all the difference.

Now, for today’s blessing.

May you experience the pure love of the Father (agape – selfless, unconditional)
So you may in turn show it to others
Because you are His workmanship, created for good works
Sent to manifest God’s love in your world

May you find language to express your feelings properly to others
So they may understand how much you care for them
Sparking in them a reciprocity which can grow into something beautiful
Be it a friendship or lifetime relationship

May you draw strength from and increase your capacity for true love
By pressing into your relationship with the Father
Drawing His love-life into yours to overwhelm and wash away any hurts
So that only your healed, made-whole self remains

May you begin to reap a harvest of true love
As you allow relational seeds to be planted in this new heart
Created by the softening of grace and forgiveness
So that you become a flourishing life-giving fragrant bouquet of love

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 02/02/2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 02/02/2025

February was named for a Christian feast (Candlemas) which occurs during the month; specifically, today, February 2. It is set aside as a time of “expiation” or purification. It is a celebration of Jesus, when Joseph and Mary brought Him to the temple to be dedicated (circumcised) in order to follow the Law.

February is also considered the last month of Winter, since Spring begins in March. February 2 marks (approximately) the middle of winter; ironically, when the earth is closest to the sun.

This time of purification (February) precedes resurrection (Spring). I liken it to the process Paul encouraged before celebrating the Lord’s Table (communion) which is described in 1 Corithians 11. “Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself.” (vs. 28-29 ESV) I do not believe Paul is saying we will be “cursed” if we partake of the Lord’s Supper with sin in our life, as many teach.

The focus of Paul’s words speak to THE Body, the Church of Jesus. “Discerning the body” speaks to understanding our place in the Kingdom of God. In taking the wine and bread we recognize that Jesus paid for our redemption, reconciling us back to the Father. Just as Jesus was submitted for the rite of circumcision (representing the removal of the flesh from the heart), we in like fashion submit ourselves to the New Testament version of circumcision, which is allowing the Holy Spirit to baptize us into the Body of Christ (salvation).

This February, let us be mindful of the purification completed in us when God made us righteousness through the blood of Christ, washing us clean, making us pure – justified. Then when Spring arrives, we can embrace the new beginning of resurrection, once again walking with the Father as we live out our purpose empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Now, for today’s blessing:

May you receive the full measure of grace provided by the sacrifice of our Savior
So that you can approach the Father without shame or fear
Because you have been made a son or daughter in the Kingdom of God
Which also makes you a king and a priest of the Most High God

May you have eyes to see the position from which you now live
As a joint-heir with Jesus, seated at the right hand of the Father
Empowered by the Holy Spirit sent by Messiah after He ascended
Now an ambassador from Another Kingdom sent to your world

On this Candlemas, may you prepare your heart for the coming resurrection
Both: the one when Messiah returns, but also the one which comes each morning
Living each day as the most important one you have ever lived
Thankful for the grace and mercy given with each sunrise, because the Son has risen

Friday, January 24, 2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 01/26/2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 01/26/2025

May you find or renew hope in whatever situation you find yourself
So you can face each day with expectation of a good end
Knowing your trust is in the God of more than enough
Giving thanks for the peace you find in Him

May you keep hope alive by dreaming of possibilities
Until it quells the fear of the not yet
So you can see the unseen
Until it becomes the evidence of faith

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 01/19/2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 01/19/2025

May the Lord warm your heart this Winter with His mercy
And cover you with His blanket of grace
So you will understand that Winter is not wasted time
But instead a time of rest for the earth, and for it’s inhabitants

May you find a way to keep His wonder before your eyes
Through the magnificent images of snow and ice
Or the colorful birds against the drab of dried leaves and empty limbs
So you will remember that springtime – resurrection – is coming soon

May you learn to hear the Lord’s gentle voice in the winds when they come
While you sit in the doldrums, considering all He has done
And never forget His faithfulness of filling your sail with His purpose for you
So you may be the blessing to your world to which you have been sent

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 01/12/2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 01/12/2025

May the grace of God cover you as the snow covers the ground
So that all you see is the pure white where there was once the unsightly
So you may live free of the guilt and shame removed by His mercy
So that you can beam with the bright reflected sunlight of God’s glory

May you wonder at the wonderful God brings into your life
The red berries which become visible when all else is snow-covered
The peaceful vistas of the snow-covered shrubs and trees
The warmth of home where you can find rest

Friday, January 3, 2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 01/05/2025

Sunday’s Blessing – 01/05/2025

May the Lord meet you at your point of decision
So you may realize that regardless of the choice, He is with you
Right or wrong, He will be by your side
To help redeem the wrong and propel the right

May the Spirit of God illuminate your path
To clearly show you where your feet will land
Giving you every opportunity to choose wisely
And step with confidence without fear or trepidation

May purpose guide you in your journey through life
Where choices become obvious, consistent with calling
And direction becomes deliberate, detailed by diligence
So you flourish in both form and function