Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Journey – Day 28

The Journey – Day 28

I’ve been at the campgrounds for four weeks. It’s very hard to believe that much time has passed. Many habits are changing. The new gym is working out well (no pun intended). The surprising thing to me is that I have not run into anyone I know in any of the stores or restaurants I’ve visited. I realize it’s been 25 years since I lived here, but with all of the relatives and acquaintances I have who still live in the area, I fully expected to run into someone by now.

That has proven to be the most difficult thing thus far. I miss familiar faces. I love people. Learning to be OK with just me is stretching me. But it’s a good stretch. Eating out has always been a backup plan for being with people. Even though I didn’t know the people at the restaurant, I still felt some consolation because they were there. I have only eaten out four times in the past two weeks. That is a major change for me.

I’ve also been working remote most days. I have worked in the office three days in the past four weeks. This has also been a stretch. However, we have frequent Zoom meetings which require interaction with my coworkers, so this has also helped.

I did laundry at the campground laundromat. It was interesting. It’s a very small room with 7 machines (three washers and four dryers). There’s no place to hang anything and no table to fold. However, it got the job done.

Cleaning has never been my forte. I have cleaned all of my life, but only a short time where I was the only one in the space. I like having a clean place to live, so I have stepped up my cleaning routine. The place still looks like it did when I moved in four weeks ago.

I realize none of this is “heavy” revelations, but it is part of the process of change. I sense some deeper things stirring which I hope I can effectively communicate once I have them in view. Until then, it’s on with the journey.

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