Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Old Days

I'm not sure of the age when one becomes "old". I know some people that have been "old" their whole lives. I don't think of myself as "old" until I look in the mirror and realize I'm no longer a "young" man, but I still feel "young" and still think "young" in some ways.

Lately I've been pondering the "old days". Things like, when Christmas was hardly mentioned until after Thanksgiving. When watching sports on TV was actually entertaining. When interaction with friends was simple and heart-stirring.

The world has certainly gotten smaller. We now know everything about everything, or so it seems, but yet we know very little about the few crucial elements that make life worth living.

Maybe my thinking is not as "young" as I believe it is, because things like these are usually pondered by "old" people.

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