Friday, May 3, 2024

May 4, 1969 - A Day of Infamy

May 4, 1969 – A day which will live in infamy. As long as I have a mind to think with, a mouth to speak, and breath in my lungs, I will declare the praises of my father, Azell Leroy Harris. He literally gave his all. Not just that day when he gave the ultimate sacrifice in performance of his duty as a Birmingham Police office. He gave his all every day: loving and caring for his family, serving the widows in the community by performing minor repairs and such, mentoring young boys through the Cub Scout program, mentoring young men through Boy Scouts, serving his congregation as a deacon in the Baptist church, serving his country through the army reserves, and probably a few more that I never even knew about.

Fifty-five years ago. I was only nine at the time. I have a few memories of my father, but I have learned so much about him through others I’ve had the opportunity to speak with as I got older. Every person describes him using almost the same words. Kind, gentle, loving, giving. Even though he was not a man of letters, I read for the first time a letter he wrote to his mother while he was serving in the army. Seeing those words on the page was very surreal. It made me wish even more that he had been given to writing or journaling. I would have cherished every word.

Having made it to 64, I have beaten the odds of my family heritage. Only one generation of Harrises out of the past five made it beyond 52. I never met any of my father’s lineage. I’m very grateful to have all of my siblings still living. We have made a commitment to gather more frequently. I hope we can.

I encourage you to take time today to call your parents if they are still living. Better yet, go see them. If they are no longer living, then consider writing them letters to express your feelings for them. Even though they will never see it, you will. And your family if you have any left. Even if the relationship was strained, or even hostile, write something anyway. Find a way to see the good. You may not know all they were dealing with, or what their history looked like. Maybe through your words, you can begin a new trajectory for your family to live from going forward. It’s said that words are cheap, but after you are gone, only the words you chose to record will be heard.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

To, Too, Two, Tutu

To, too, two, tutu: English is hard. However, it takes the same amount of breath to bless as it does to curse. Most of my writing these days has been finding ways to speak blessings. It totally changes your state of mind when you think of ways to speak positively about someone instead of finding ways to tear them down.

For many, the curses come much more freely than blessings because very little though is spent spewing negativity. It's really not surprising. It's all around us. We are constantly bombarded with it at every turn: human interaction in public spaces, the news media, social media, etc. Before giving the knee-jerk response of negativity, take a minute and find something pleasant to say. I don't mean you have to "lie" about the subject at hand which you may loathe. Simply speak on another matter which you can share something uplifting. (A bit of commentary. FB dictionary doesn't even contain the word "uplifting".) That should tell you something.

The idea of blessing is not just for conversations. Take time to write down specific things you would like to share with others; possibly a mate, a friend, a child, a coworker, etc., and then give it to them in print. That way you can be certain you communicate it as clearly as possible, and it can also become a keepsake for them. Try it once or twice. I think you may like it.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 04/28/2024

May you be renewed by the presence of the Lord
As though being born anew
Like a newborn with every bit of life ahead of them
You have not missed anything

May today be the beginning of days for you
Just as God said to Israel after they left Egypt
Four hundred years were simply wiped from the slate
Because a new life had begun for each of them

May you find joy and peace for your new journey
As you are greeted with new mercies every day
And forgiveness as you walk with the Lord
And hope as the Father sings over you His songs of deliverance

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 04/21/2024

May you be drenched by the rain from Heaven
As God showers you daily with new mercies
As you bask in the grace of the Lord
As you are led, step by step, by the Spirit

May the living water flow freely from you
To keep you cleansed
To provide hope and healing to your world
To water others who may be parched

May the rivers of living water overwhelm you
To provide deep waters to swim in
To carry you in your purpose
To make deserts blossom

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 04/14/2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 04/14/2024

May you never lose sight of the excitement of Easter Sunday
Because God’s resurrection power is present every moment
Because two thousand years doesn’t diminish the forgiveness accomplished by Christ
Because you still need God’s new mercies every day

May you live with the revelation that you have been made spotless
Spotless now, not then
Spotless regardless of whatever
Spotless by His righteousness in us

May you marvel every day at the wonder of these truths
That God loves you. Period.
That Jesus forgave you. Period.
That you are free to love others from this place

Friday, April 12, 2024

Sense, Since, Scents, Cents

Sense, since, scents, cents: English is hard. Communication is harder. I wish I knew another language besides English. I took some Spanish in college, but never anything beyond the required 2 semesters. I feel that my disdain for English would probably be quelled by the complexity of other languages. They are probably all difficult. However, I feel English is complicated by "melting" all kinds of things from many languages. Regardless, I still hate English as a form of communication. Unfortunately, I have no valid alternative.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sunday’s Blessing – 04/07/2024

Since tomorrow is the lunar eclipse across the Midwest, Southeast, and Northeast of the United States

May you experience the reality of the Lord “overshadowing” you
Just as He did with Mary, the mother of Jesus
When His presence became so intense around her that a baby was formed in her womb

May you experience an encounter with the Holy Spirit so profound
That something new is birthed in you, so God can use it through you
To bring a revelation of the King and His Kingdom to those around you

May you experience the covering of the Lord
Just as the disciples experienced at the transfiguration of Jesus
So that you can have open fellowship with the Father as He communes with you

May you live in a state of “eclipse” 
Where you pass fully in the path of the light of God to the point of being overshadowed
Absorbing His mercy and grace which He is always pouring out on His beloved

May tomorrow be a sign of God’s love for you
Where you are fully encompassed by His illumination
Which will give you vision to see the direction you should go